Ulysses Stuff > Releases

Utime -- Show how long your players have been connected this session and total

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Your condump is weird.  Some of your lines are missing letters, while others are fine.  Strange

Im looking to have it dump the times into a txt file so i can retrieve it on a website, or just have them retrieve it on a website using mysql, Im currently learning the lua syntax and would like some help in doing this.

Only error on client so for for me is "autorun/cl_utime.lua:136: attempt to call method 'GetCursorAimVector' (a nil value)"
This is just on first entering the server. Once reset  (as mentioned) is presse things run fine.


--- Quote from: Megiddo on December 22, 2007, 05:11:53 PM ---Utime simply keeps track of session and total time for players and puts an info box in the top right hand side of the screen. Clients can enable/disable the HUD element as well as set their own colors and positions.

Screenshot when not looking a player:

Screenshot when looking at another player (there's a nice sliding animation when it opens/closes too):

Download: http://ulyssesmod.net/archive/Utime/Utime-v1_2.zip

--- End quote ---

Nice you took it from Mr.P edited changed skin and made it compatable am i right??? anyways i use to use this all the time its awesome you guys should download it

for the last time...

This script and our script are completely different. They are not compatable in any way with each other.


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