Ulysses Stuff > Releases
Utime -- Show how long your players have been connected this session and total
Anyone have any idea how to add the totaltime to the scoreboard? I can find some info on the web but its all for custom scoreboard addons.
Got it working with this:
hook.Add( "TTTScoreboardColumns", "SetHourInScoreboard", function( pnl )
pnl:AddColumn( "Hours", function(ply) return math.Round(ply:GetUTimeTotalTime()/3600) end )
end );
I am having the same issue as Canne, It used to be there on servers now it isn't (I tested on ones I knew had it and even asked if someone else on the server could see it) . I tried utime_enable 1 and all I got was "Unknown command "utime_enable" " I removed all of my addons and tried again on the same server other people were able to have it but it still doesn't show up for me and I still get the unknown command thing. I only want to get this back because one time someone asked me how long ive been on a server and I had to tell them I didn't know and the thing that used to tell me is gone. Its actually been gone for a while now and I just figured out not too long ago what it actually was.
How to i setup the blue box to be disabled by default?
--- Quote from: pmag on May 02, 2016, 10:19:55 AM ---I am having the same issue as Canne, It used to be there on servers now it isn't (I tested on ones I knew had it and even asked if someone else on the server could see it) . I tried utime_enable 1 and all I got was "Unknown command "utime_enable" " I removed all of my addons and tried again on the same server other people were able to have it but it still doesn't show up for me and I still get the unknown command thing. I only want to get this back because one time someone asked me how long ive been on a server and I had to tell them I didn't know and the thing that used to tell me is gone. Its actually been gone for a while now and I just figured out not too long ago what it actually was.
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"utime_enable 1" needs to be run from your client. There's also a place in the settings menu where you can enable/disable it.
--- Quote from: Megiddo on May 21, 2016, 04:59:08 AM ---"utime_enable 1" needs to be run from your client. There's also a place in the settings menu where you can enable/disable it.
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I'm sorry did I forget to mention that I am not talking about my own server? I meant servers that I connect to from gmod that other people make. For some reason other people are able to see the utime but I can not. I do not believe there is any more info that I can give you that I didn't already say in my original comment. However since that last comment I have been to 2 servers that did let me see the utime thing but there are still servers that I KNOW have it but I just can't see it (and if I put in the command in the console it would still give me the error)
I don't need to be able to have/see utime but I am more curious as to why It doesn't show up for me but it does for other people on a lot of servers.
My original comment:
--- Quote from: pmag on May 02, 2016, 10:19:55 AM ---I am having the same issue as Canne, It used to be there on servers now it isn't (I tested on ones I knew had it and even asked if someone else on the server could see it) . I tried utime_enable 1 and all I got was "Unknown command "utime_enable" " I removed all of my addons and tried again on the same server other people were able to have it but it still doesn't show up for me and I still get the unknown command thing. I only want to get this back because one time someone asked me how long ive been on a server and I had to tell them I didn't know and the thing that used to tell me is gone. Its actually been gone for a while now and I just figured out not too long ago what it actually was.
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