Ulysses Stuff > Releases
Utime -- Show how long your players have been connected this session and total
IM currentrly using big_timespent and i modified it to remove the points and display on the left hand side, you code your differently what co-ordinates (for lack of a better word) would i need to enter to make it appear on the left hand side.
My reasons being my admins use it as a guide to catch death matchers and it looks better left alligned.
Where it creates the panel in cl_utime.lua, simply specify the location you want.
i plan to switch to uteam shortly however is there anyway i can transfer old times over, In other words where do you store your times?
The process of moving times over would be too complex for anyone but developers or developers who can hand-hold you through the process. Best way would be just to let the time to start over.
New version!
v1.20 - *(01/03/08)*
* [ADD] Client config to change colors and position of Utime HUD element, as well as the ability to disable it.
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