Author Topic: If one, than all, an admin issue.  (Read 3834 times)

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Offline BrutalConcept

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If one, than all, an admin issue.
« on: January 08, 2008, 08:59:47 AM »
Alright, I'll keep this simple.  The long and short is that whenever I set one person to have admin access in my server, everyone gets it.  I'm the only superadmin, so thats not the big issue, its that I have a friend who I want to give admin rights, but cant because when I do every mingebag from here to next week gets 'em.

Now, I figure this could be fairly easily fixed if I could get another way to set admin status.  Like if there was a config floating around my gmod directory somewhere that held that kind of info.  If not, maybe you guys have some other suggestions?

This happens if I host either a listen or a ded.

(after digging around a bit) I'm using a legal 100% good boy version of gmod.

Heres what I actually want to know, after digging around my gmod directory for a while:  What exactly is it that I put in the data/ulib/users file to add users?  It seems that with myself in there I was defaulting to superadmin, so I figured if I added my friend he would instantly be an admin and the problem would be solved (erm, side note, I deleted what was already in there when I was kind of drunk and dicking around with it... heh, oops.)

IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE:  I don't actually know how to get someones steam ID... Yeah, I'm sure that makes me a dumbass, but I guess if I never ask, I'll never know.

Thanks in advance for any help.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 09:54:56 AM by BrutalConcept »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: If one, than all, an admin issue.
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 09:39:34 AM »
Is this a LAN server or are people from the internet connecting?
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Offline BrutalConcept

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Re: If one, than all, an admin issue.
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 09:44:40 AM »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: If one, than all, an admin issue.
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2008, 10:01:10 AM »
After you've added someone and other people are getting access when they should not, run "ulx debuginfo" at the server console. It will tell you where to look for a text file it generates; get that file and post it here.
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Offline BrutalConcept

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Re: If one, than all, an admin issue.
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2008, 10:15:18 AM »
From my Dedicated

Yeah, I just realized we werent connected to the server, my bad, ill update with connections in a sec.

ULX version: 3.20
ULib version: 2.10
Gamemode: Sandbox
Map: gm_construct
Dedicated server: true

Currently connected players:
Nick                            steamid            id lsh created

ULib.ucl.users (#=0):

ULib.ucl.groups (#=5):
         1   =   ulx hiddenecho
         2   =   ulx rcon
         3   =   ulx luarun
         4   =   ulx cexec
         5   =   ulx ent
         6   =   ulx adduser
         7   =   ulx removeuser
         8   =   ulx userallow
         9   =   ulx userdeny
         10   =   ulx addgroup
         11   =   ulx removegroup
         12   =   ulx groupallow
         13   =   ulx groupdeny
         14   =   overcomeimmunity
         1   =   admin
         1   =   ulib_passtime
         2   =   ulib_passtimeout
         3   =   ulx spawnecho
         4   =   ulx tsay
         5   =   ulx csay
         6   =   ulx gimp
         7   =   ulx mute
         8   =   ulx ungimp
         9   =   ulx unmute
         10   =   ulx gag
         11   =   ulx ungag
         12   =   ulx chattime
         13   =   ulx welcomemessage
         14   =   ulx slap
         15   =   ulx whip
         16   =   ulx slay
         17   =   ulx sslay
         18   =   ulx ignite
         19   =   ulx playsound
         20   =   ulx freeze
         21   =   ulx unfreeze
         22   =   ulx god
         23   =   ulx ungod
         24   =   ulx noclip
         25   =   ulx hp
         26   =   ulx cloak
         27   =   ulx uncloak
         28   =   ulx blind
         29   =   ulx unblind
         30   =   ulx jail
         31   =   ulx unjail
         32   =   ulx ghost
         33   =   ulx unghost
         34   =   ulx ragdoll
         35   =   ulx unragdoll
         36   =   ulx maul
         37   =   ulx adminmenu
         38   =   ulx clientmenu
         39   =   ulx mapsmenu
         40   =   ulx showmotd
         41   =   ulx banmenu
         42   =   ulx exec
         43   =   ulx rslotsmode
         44   =   ulx rslots
         45   =   ulx rslotsvisible
         46   =   ulx reservedslots
         47   =   ulx bring
         48   =   ulx goto
         49   =   ulx send
         50   =   ulx teleport
         51   =   ulx tooldeny
         52   =   ulx toolallow
         53   =   ulx tooldenyuser
         54   =   ulx toolallowuser
         55   =   ulx tooldenyoverride
         56   =   ulx map
         57   =   ulx kick
         58   =   ulx ban
         59   =   ulx banid
         60   =   ulx unban
         61   =   ulx spectate
         62   =   ulx mingekick
         63   =   ulx physgunplayer
         64   =   ulx vote
         65   =   ulx votemap2
         66   =   ulx votekick
         67   =   ulx voteban
         68   =   ulx veto
         1   =   operator
         1   =   ulx
         2   =   ulx help
         3   =   ulx psay
         4   =   ulx asay
         5   =   ulx thetime
         6   =   ulx menu
         7   =   ulx_valueupdate
         8   =   ulx_cvar
         9   =   ulx_getgamemodes
         10   =   ulx motd
         11   =   ulx_getbans
         12   =   ulx usermanagementhelp
         13   =   ulx who
         14   =   ulx votemap
         1   =   ulx logecho
         2   =   ulx logfile
         3   =   ulx logevents
         4   =   ulx logchat
         5   =   ulx logspawns
         6   =   ulx logspawnsecho
         7   =   ulx logdir
         8   =   ulx addgimpsay
         9   =   ulx addadvert
         10   =   ulx addcsayadvert
         11   =   ulx addforceddownload
         12   =   ulx debuginfo
         13   =   ulx voteecho
         14   =   ulx votemap2successratio
         15   =   ulx votemap2minvotes
         16   =   ulx votekicksuccessratio
         17   =   ulx votekickminvotes
         18   =   ulx votebansuccessratio
         19   =   ulx votebanminvotes
         20   =   ulx votemapenabled
         21   =   ulx votemapmintime
         22   =   ulx votemapwaittime
         23   =   ulx votemapsuccessratio
         24   =   ulx votemapminvotes
         25   =   ulx votemapvetotime
         26   =   ulx votemapmapmode
         27   =   ulx votemapaddmap
         1   =   ulx seeasay

ULib.ucl.authed (#=0):

Garrysmod default file (#=2):

Active addons on this server:
Adv Duplicator           by TAD2020, version 1.836 (July 5th 2007)
catdaemon_stargate       by Catdaemon, version  ()
counter-strike           by Valve, version 1 (5th August 2006)
day-of-defeat            by Valve, version 1 (22nd August 2006)
default_sent_pack        by TEAM GARRY, version 1 (3rd December 2006)
derma                    by , version 0.1 (17th July 2007)
Life Support 2           by LS/RD/SB Team, version 1.0.1 (Today)
No collide world         by Panthera Tigris, version 1 (6 october 2007)
phx                      by PhoeniX-Storms & 1/4 Life, version 5 (3rd Febuary 2007)
PHXtended                by Scragnog, version 1 ((null))
phxtri-beta              by Das Great & PhoeniX-Storms, version 0.1 (21th June 2007)
RD2                      by TAD2020, version 2 (Sept 28, 2007)
shuttle                  by Catdaemon, version 4a ()
smartsnap                by Syranide, version 0.9.3 ()
smart_welding            by Duncan Stead, version 2.1 (7th August 2007)
stargate                 by aVoN, version 0.9 (11th August, 2007)
ulib                     by Team Ulysses, version 2.1 (09/23/07)
ulx                      by Team Ulysses, version 3.2 (09/23/07)
wire                     by Wire Team, version 0.9.6 (25st March 2007)
wire model pack 1        by Team Wire, version 0.3 (25st March 2007)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 10:39:54 AM by BrutalConcept »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: If one, than all, an admin issue.
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2008, 10:40:11 AM »
After you've added someone and other people are getting access when they should not, run "ulx debuginfo" at the server console. It will tell you where to look for a text file it generates; get that file and post it here.
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline BrutalConcept

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Re: If one, than all, an admin issue.
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2008, 10:53:10 AM »
yeah I know, if youll note I made mention of the fact that nobody was connected yet, and then I'd update, give me a mo please. (side note, can you please tell me what to put in my users file to re-add myself as an auto superadmin?  That would help me out a lot so that I can, at least, have admin powers for my server while we fix on this)

Offline Megiddo

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Re: If one, than all, an admin issue.
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2008, 11:22:57 AM »
You edited your post to say that 15 seconds before I posted...
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline BrutalConcept

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Re: If one, than all, an admin issue.
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2008, 11:15:49 AM »
Well, you should know better than to try and help people so quickly and efficiently.   ;)

At any rate, I've managed to fix this issue, somehow, by just freaking out and copying my entire gmod directory into my ded's gmod directory.  Why this works, god only knows, but it sure does.

That said, I have a few new problems with some of the ulx addons (namely uclip not working on props) but I believe they're mostly related to prop protection so I guess ill have to take my butt over to the gmod forums.

Thanks again for all the help!
« Last Edit: January 14, 2008, 11:18:34 AM by BrutalConcept »