Author Topic: My idea for a new anti-spam protection....  (Read 7525 times)

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Offline the_fool

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My idea for a new anti-spam protection....
« on: July 14, 2006, 09:05:54 PM »
This is my idea for a new and improved anti-spam protection.

The current anti-spam that is out to all of my knowledge only blocks a player from spamming too many items in the given time and puts a message up that says you can only spawn a prop every (number of seconds here) and then when that time is up they can continue putting more and more props.This is not a big deal if they are spamming the server with a prop such as the smoke stack because the admin can catch the player and kick them before they mess up the server but if they are spamming the server with a prop such as the explosive barrel and they are doing this in a room that no one is currently in so no one knows they are spawning these items with the intension of spawning as many as possible and then blowing them up to crash the server it becomes a problem.My idea is that everytime a player gets the anti-spam message,in the message area of the server a warning will come up that states that the player has been warned for spamming so this way the admin can monitor the console to make sure they are not spawning many items that could crash the server.Spamming is a big problem and i think this would fix it.

Keep in mind:

I would make this mod myself but I dont know much about programming.If a mod like this is allready out please give me a link so I can download it.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2006, 09:07:59 PM by the_fool »

Offline the_fool

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Re: My idea for a new anti-spam protection....
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2006, 09:12:18 PM »
I just noticed I posted this in the wrong section.Sorry.

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