Ulysses Stuff > Suggestions

Swear Blocker?

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I'm not sure if this was released yet but I would like a swear blocker because little kids sometimes come to my server. And people ALWAYS swear. I don't think the little kids should have to deal with these kinds of bad examples from other players. Sometimes little kids might ignore it, but others don't but they will end up copying the example that was given. Say for instance, the F-Word

Good idea!
Would you totally stop everything they said from coming across?
Or would you censor out just that word?
I could see a table of words, and what to replace them with.
This could be edited for multiple spellngs. , SH1T 5H1T, etc etc etc.
You know as soon as someone finds out there is a censor, they start looking for creative ways around it.
Give a warning if language was detected?
Automatically kick/ban?
Automatically 'gimp' them on 2nd try, allowing them to stay but not say anything?
The new Ulib.db functions might be good for tracking repeat offenders if you didn't want to ban them straight out.
Personally, I'd perm ban, but, thats just my iron fist.

Thing is, no need to block other alternatives, if you're that desperate, you'll work out how to say the word, just block the main word, and people will just say something else.  Though, this game is a 15 rated game, so small kids shouldn't be playing it anyway, but it's good to do I think.

I'm currently working on a swear blocking script.  ;)

The biggest problem is I'm worried it will take too much CPU power to do a comprehensive check. It's easy enough to look for basic swears, but looking for more complex ones where people might use "/-\" as an A is a lot more difficult. If lua had a full regex library, it might be easier...

Anyways, I'm thinkng of implementing a random comprehensive check if the CPU usage is too high. This means that it would only check a string comprehensively in one out of say 10 user's says. Once it does find someone swearing, it could flag the user as 'problematic' and submit them to a comprehensive check 100% of the time after that.

Guess I got off topic there :P

True Mank, most will always challenge and try to work around by using a secondary word.
Even though Hl2 is a 15+ game, most of the people I see online everyday are younger.
It doesn't bother me that so many are younger, but it does bother me many swear/act immature unchecked, without parental guidance.
Personally, I'm one to give a second chance. Many use that language out of habit, more so than on purpose. If one were to do it on purpose after being warned (through message/kick or both), that is the point they would try to outsmart the script using a separate spelling, and I think a ban at that point would get the point across.
 Perhaps when I find time, I'll work on creating an anti-swear script for Ulib.
I've seen bits and pieces of code at facepunch forums. They're might be one there already.

Megiddo, you posted while I was writing above.
I'll let the expert coder handle it then :)


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