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Uname 1.1 - Keep different name than your Steam name across Gmod servers

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--- Quote from: Megiddo on July 14, 2008, 07:42:08 PM ---setinfo name no longer does anything. :(

--- End quote ---

Figures. Garry must have decided to fix the bug I sent him one day, server not distributing the new name, by removing it totally.

He didn't like people changing their names because of a lua virus that came out that sent somebody to a server and changed their name every 0.1 seconds and spammed chat, So he removed it

What a WONDERFUL way to prevent viruses. Turn off features the virus used along, possibly, with the hole, than just plugging the hole itself.

He's turning into a genius. Just like Microsoft. Like when they limited the TCP stack to 10 connections a second because any internet program wouldn't dare try to open more connections than 10 simultaneously.....limiting to 10 in one second will surely prevent the spread of internet virus.

Not allowing name changes will surely prevent viruses. Right? Right?!
[/end rant]

I did a quick look, but for now, didn't find a fix for UName.
May find a fix again someday. Right now, too busy.

Great News j/k Another exploit was found in Garrys Mod, Does the same thing as before, Except doesn't change name :P Every server you join it spams "UBAN INSERTNAMEHERE FROM FP PLZ" again made by AzuSleet

Yet again, I think garry patched this virus thing, A few weeks time the guy would of found another exploit, At least it gets garry to patch other fixes along with it :D


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