Author Topic: ULX Problems - !menu is broken with an error  (Read 10986 times)

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Offline Render Case

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ULX Problems - !menu is broken with an error
« on: January 22, 2008, 07:00:56 PM »
Whenever I try !menu, !banmenu, !clientmenu, etc, I get the following spit at me in the console:
([ULIB] Error, received invalid lua).
Now, this is disabling all the admins to my server from using the menus. It's annoying to go into the ban.cfg and figure out who was what and everything. Here's my addons:
I have Garry's dedicated server binaries in my bin. Here's my server.cfg out of ulx:
//Any of the settings in here can be added to the per-map configs.

ulx showMotd 1 // Set to 0 to disable showing motd on connect. Shows the file the cvar motdfile says to.

ulx addGimpSay "I'm G-G-GIMPED!"

ulx mingekick 0 // If set to 1, players with the name MingeBag will be kicked

ulx chattime 0 // Players can only chat every x seconds (anti-spam). 0 to disable

// This is what the players will see when they join, set it to "" to disable.
// You can use %host% and %curmap% in your text and have it automagically parsed for you
ulx welcomemessage "Welcome to %host%! We're playing %curmap%."

// Adverts
// addCsayAdvert <msg> <r> <g> <repeat_time> <length> [<group>]
// addAdvert <msg> <repeat_time> [<group>]
// addCsayAdvert puts adverts in the middle of the screen, addAdvert puts adverts in the text area.
// You can use %host%, %curmap%, and %ulx_version% in your message and have it automagically parsed for you.
// If you specify a group, adverts in that group will run sequentially instead of simultaneously. EX:
// ulx addAdvert "This message is run first" 10 a
// ulx addAdvert "This message is run second" 10 a
ulx addCsayAdvert "You're playing on %host%, enjoy your stay!" 100 255 200 300 10
ulx addCsayAdvert "Abide by the MOTD please!" 255 20 20 180 15
ulx addCsayAdvert "Check out the Render's Roleplay Forums at rendersroleplay.x.am!" 100 0 255 240 15
// Please, if you have any compassion at all, leave this one in.
ulx addAdvert "This server is running ULX Admin Mod version %ulx_version% by Team Ulysses -- ulyssesmod.net" 540

ulx logFile 1 // Log to file (Can still echo if off). This is a global setting, nothing will be logged to file with this off.
ulx logEvents 1 // Log events (player connect, disconnect, death)
ulx logChat 1 // Log player chat
ulx logSpawns 1 // Log when players spawn objects (props, effects, etc)
ulx logSpawnsEcho 1 // Echo spawns to players in server. 0 = off, 1 = Admins only, 2 = All players. (Echoes to console)
ulx logDir "ulx_logs" // The log dir under garrysmod/data.
ulx logEcho 2 // Echo mode
// Echo modes:
// 0 - OFF No output to players when an admin command is used
// 1 - ANONYMOUS Output to players similar to "(ADMIN) slapped Bob with 0 damage"
// 2 - FULL Output to players similar to "(ADMIN) Foo slapped Bob with 0 damage"

ulx rslotsMode 1
ulx rslots 2
ulx rslotsVisible 1 // When this is 0, sv_visiblemaxplayers will be set to maxplayers - slots_currently_reserved
//0 - Off
//1 - Keep # of slots reserved for admins, admins fill slots.
//2 - Keep # of slots reserved for admins, admins don't fill slots, they'll be freed when a player leaves.
//3 - Always keep 1 slot open for admins, kick the user with the shortest connection time if an admin joins.

//Difference between 1 and 2:
//I realize it's a bit confusing, so here's an example.
//On mode 1--
//   You have maxplayers set to 10, rslots set to 2, and there are currently 8 non-admins connected.
//   If a non-admin tries to join, they'll be kicked to keep the reserved slots open. Two admins join
//   and fill the two reserved slots. When non-admins leave, the two admins will still be filling the
//   two reserved slots, so another regular player can join and fill the server up again without being
//   kicked by the slots system
//On mode 2--
//   Same setup as mode 1, you have the two admins in the server and the server is full. Now, when a
//   non-admin leaves the server, reserved slots will pick up the slot again as reserved. If a regular
//   player tries to join and fill the server again, even though there are two admins connected, it will
//   kick the regular player to keep the slot open
//So, the basic difference between these two is mode 1 will subtract currently connected admins from the slot
//pool, while mode 2 while always be attempting to reclaim slots if it doesn't currently have enough when
//players leave no matter how many admins are connected.

//   If you set this variable to 0, ULX will automatically change sv_visiblemaxplayers for you so that if
//   there are no regular player slots available in your server, it will appear that the server is full.
//   The major downside to this is that admins can't connect to the server using the "find server" dialog
//   when it appears full. Instead, they have to go to console and use the command "connect <ip>".

ulx votemapEnabled 1 // Enable/Disable the entire votemap command
ulx votemapMintime 10 // Time after map change before votes count.
ulx votemapWaittime 5 // Time before a user must wait before they can change their vote.
ulx votemapSuccessratio 0.4 // Ratio of (votes for map)/(total players) needed to change map. (Rounds up)
ulx votemapMinvotes 3 // Number of minimum votes needed to change map (Prevents llamas). This supercedes the above convar on small servers.
ulx votemapVetotime 30 // Time in seconds an admin has after a successful votemap to veto the vote. Set to 0 to disable.
ulx votemapMapmode 1 // 1 = Use all maps but what's specified below, 2 = Use only the maps specified below.

ulx voteEcho 0 // 1 = Echo what every player votes (this does not apply to votemap). 0 = Don't echo

ulx votemap2Successratio 0.5 // Ratio of (votes for map)/(total players) needed to change map. (Rounds up)
ulx votemap2Minvotes 3 // Number of minimum votes needed to change map (Pevents llamas). This supercedes the above convar on small servers.

ulx votekickSuccessratio 0.6 // Ratio of (votes for kick)/(total players) needed to kick player. (Rounds up)
ulx votekickMinvotes 2 // Number of minimum votes needed to kick player (Pevents llamas). This supercedes the above convar on small servers.

ulx votebanSuccessratio 0.7 // Ratio of (votes for ban)/(total players) needed to ban player. (Rounds up)
ulx votebanMinvotes 3 // Number of minimum votes needed to ban player (Pevents llamas). This supercedes the above convar on small servers.

// If you'd like to add more maps, make separate lines for them all prefixed with "ulx votemapAddmap".
ulx votemapAddmap background01
ulx votemapAddmap background02
ulx votemapAddmap background03
ulx votemapAddmap background04
ulx votemapAddmap background05
ulx votemapAddmap background06
ulx votemapAddmap background07
ulx votemapAddmap credits
ulx votemapAddmap intro
ulx votemapAddmap test_hardware
ulx votemapAddmap test_speakers

// You can also add forced downloads here. Make sure you put quotes around the path/filename, and take out the comment string '//'.
// Add as many as you want. You can also add these to your map- or game-specific files.
// format: ulx addForcedDownload <file/folder> [<recursive>]
//ulx addForcedDownload "sound/cheeseman.mp3"
// You can add a folder to add all files inside that folder. If recursive is 1 it will also add all files from any sub-folders.
//ulx addForcedDownload "sound/my_music" 1
ulx addForcedDownload "addons/ZF-1" 1
ulx addForcedDownload "addons/combinesniper_ep2" 1
I'm not sure what else could be causing it. It happens on rp_oviscity and rp_omgcity. Please help if you know something that will help.

Offline Megiddo

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Re: ULX Problems - !menu is broken with an error
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2008, 07:47:18 PM »
Do you have sv_downloadurl set?
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Offline Render Case

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Re: ULX Problems - !menu is broken with an error
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2008, 03:48:30 AM »
sv_downloadurl 0
sv_allowdownloads 0
Forgot to say this in the first post, I use the SVN versions of ulx and ulib.
Edit: I use garrysmod/cfg/server.cfg and ulx/cfg/server.cfg. Should I add the normal one onto the ulx one and see if it works? (Deleting the server.cfg in the /gmod/cfg)

My server.cfg and ulx server.cfg before I do anything:
(ULX is in first post)
hostname "Render's Roleplay Server - Fully updated / working"
rcon_password *****
rp_drugpayamount 45
rp_druglabcost 250

rp_deaglecost 500
rp_glockcost 425
rp_fivesevencost 315
rp_p228cost 250

rp_snipercost 10000
rp_ak47cost 4000
rp_mp5cost 2000
rp_m16cost 3750
rp_shotguncost 4550
rp_mac10cost 1750

rp_maxdruglabs 5
rp_maxcps 4
rp_maxgundealers 2
rp_maxmayors 1
rp_maxcooks 3

sbox_maxvehicles 0
sbox_maxhoverballs 0
sbox_maxprops 20
rp_ammoriflecost 50
rp_ammopistolcost 15
rp_ammoshotguncost 75
sv_allowdownload 0
ulx tooldeny rope
sbox_maxdynamite 0
rp_jailtimer 180
rp_showdeaths 0
sbox_godmode 0
rp_alltalk 0
sbox_plpldamage 0
sbox_noclip 0
rp_toolgun 0
rp_physgun 0
« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 03:56:51 AM by Render Case »

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Re: ULX Problems - !menu is broken with an error
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2008, 05:22:45 AM »
Bender, Gmod now requires some way for the client to download client side scripts.
Garry stopped using his custom send method and started using Valve's.
You either need to have an sv_downloadurl, or sv_allowdownloads, for clients to be able to use any Lua. That would include any sents/stools/admin mods/wire/gamemodes, whatever.
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Offline Render Case

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Re: ULX Problems - !menu is broken with an error
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2008, 11:50:44 AM »
Any way to disable maps yet allow lua downloads?
-I don't have a website or any host for downloadurl.
- I have sv_allowdownloads on 1 now, yet I still can't use the menu. Do I need to remove the ULX files from clientside area? Ex email/garrysmod/addons/ulx as opposed to orangebox/garrysmod...?
I'll test that and edit again if it doesn't work.

Edit: Didn't work; Also, forgot to say this too (sorry), !motd doesn't work. For anyone.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 04:07:00 PM by Render Case »

Offline Megiddo

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Re: ULX Problems - !menu is broken with an error
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2008, 06:12:09 PM »
It won't work for anyone if you don't have downloads set up properly.
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Offline spbogie

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Re: ULX Problems - !menu is broken with an error
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2008, 06:39:31 PM »
If you don't want to use a seperate download server, then set
Code: [Select]
sv_downloadurl "" (That's an empty string, not a 0), and set
Code: [Select]
sv_allowdownload 1(Note, no s at the end of download)
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Offline Render Case

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Re: ULX Problems - !menu is broken with an error
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2008, 12:30:43 PM »
If you don't want to use a seperate download server, then set
Code: [Select]
sv_downloadurl "" (That's an empty string, not a 0), and set
Code: [Select]
sv_allowdownload 1(Note, no s at the end of download)
I have sv_downloadurl "". sv_allowdownload 1. At recommended from another thread, cl_allowdownload 1. Nothings working.

Offline Avien

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Re: ULX Problems - !menu is broken with an error
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2008, 02:27:39 PM »
Who is your hosting company?

Offline spbogie

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Re: ULX Problems - !menu is broken with an error
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2008, 02:50:56 PM »
Is it the same problem for everyone on the server?
Does it say it is downloading the files?
If it does, is it showing each file twice?

Ok, lets get some more information here.
1) Start gmod, then run
Code: [Select]
clear2) Connect to your server
3) Run a few of the commands which aren't working.
4) Run the command
Code: [Select]
condump and come back with the output file.
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. - Thomas A. Edison
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Re: ULX Problems - !menu is broken with an error
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2008, 03:59:09 PM »
hey guys I think this is the exact same error I am getting with my dedicated server so maybe I can help with my observations.  Everyone that connects I ask if they recieve the motd and currently nobody is.  The !menu wont work either and an error shows up when connecting to the game which is:

ULib/cl_init.lua:33: attempt to call method 'ConCommand' (a nil value)

I dont have a webserver set up as well but I do have the urldownload set to "" and allowdownloads set to 1.  I can however use all the admin commands in the console via rcon.

Offline Megiddo

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Re: ULX Problems - !menu is broken with an error
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2008, 04:13:54 PM »
Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn.
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Offline Render Case

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Re: ULX Problems - !menu is broken with an error
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2008, 04:31:21 PM »
Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn. Use svn.
I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did.

And I said I did.
sv_downloadurl 0
sv_allowdownloads 0
Forgot to say this in the first post, I use the SVN versions of ulx and ulib.

I managed to fix this. Somehow. I SVN'd the Janurary 22nd copy of Ulib, removed all my addons, re-SVNed ULX, and somehow it sorted out. Was a , but got fixed.

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Re: ULX Problems - !menu is broken with an error
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2008, 03:56:35 AM »
so basically you used svn?
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D