Author Topic: rules command  (Read 4949 times)

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Offline andycowpat

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rules command
« on: January 02, 2008, 04:55:50 PM »
hey there,
i'm an admin with a very popular australian garrys mod gaming community, we all have trouble with mingebags who don't read the rules in the motd and get annoyed when they get banned, i have come up with a theory that could possibly solve that:

what i'm wanting to do is to clone the motd scripts and change it to become a dedicated rules popup.

basically looking like a motd, but accessed by the !rules command. the data will be in a file similar to the motd.txt file is (eg. rules.txt)

can it be done? and if so,
1. what files would i need to change and make amendments to
2. would you like to test it for yourselves.


Offline blacksythe

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Re: rules command
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2008, 07:28:52 AM »
ulx cexec <player> say !motd

God i love that command, However I don't recommend giving it to all your admin's unless they can be trusted or, don't have "overcomeimmunity"

I know a couple of mine do because some of the moderators have immunity.

e.g. ulx cexec <superadmin> ulx rcon ulx adduser <me yay> superadmin 1

in laments terms I give myself superadmin with that command
Also ulx team is this actually possible as I've never tried it. I just thought of it and made sure it was a superadmin command

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Re: rules command
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2008, 09:31:12 AM »
I'm having a terrible case of deja vu.. I could swear this exact thread has been posted somewhere before... But I couldn't find it =)

Offline andycowpat

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Re: rules command
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2008, 09:30:00 PM »
one thing though, i'm not a super admin, i wish it was easy enough to pop it up for someone when you aren't a super.

the reason why i had the idea for another command is for an actual message of the day to be put into the servers, and a rule function to point players to. we sort of got around this on out role play server by editing the RP scripts to have the rules mixed in with the list of commands (easily accessed by the F1 key). however, we can't do that on our build servers, so i decided to see if it can be done with ULX, as 1. ULX is used on all of our servers, and 2. it can be used with any game mode we desire to put on.

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Re: rules command
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2008, 09:07:56 AM »
I think the more JamminR sees these posts the more he is inspired (if that is even the word) to redo his UMotd module for GMod10. This would do what you want, but right now it only works for GMod9.

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Re: rules command
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2008, 03:10:05 PM »
I think the more JamminR sees these posts the more he is inspired (if that is even the word) to redo his UMotd module for GMod10. This would do what you want, but right now it only works for GMod9.

Each time I get a bit more tempted, yes. So far, I've not been pushed enough towards the edge.
I've started to rewrite once or twice, and for some reason a few minutes into looking at it get overwhelmed.

Also, It was never for GM9. I wrote in the early GM10 days. Garry came out with an update, Megiddo changed inclusion of the html plugin ULib had, the plugin stopped allowing the load of ULib (oh BOY I had a fun time figuring THAT one out - 12+ hours, off and on over several days) and I never rewrote it using the new html methods.

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Re: rules command
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2008, 04:38:48 PM »
Yep, even though i never fully set up the old Umotd, I would now. I would just love that!! I like to let people come on into the server without blasting them with rules at the door. Also I could set up ones for events and stuff too. Alright, back to waiting, no pressure.    :)