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RadioMod ulx addon

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Ninjadude, "ulx sound" already does this. Every player would have to have the same sound though, so if it wasn't a game sound, they'd have to download it.
Which is why 99% of music mods are clientside. Streaming music would take much more bandwidth and server resources than most game servers have.

when i had a css server, mani_admin or whatever it was called had a radio script where each player types !rock, !club or whatever to get their music up, they close the window which pops up and then it continues playing. This was great.

If you could do something like that, but have an extra command which is admin only,  (!rockall, !cluball etc) which basically does the command on all client's consoles, thaat would be good.

ulx cexec <all> "ulx (music or musicurl) [url or station]"
Basically, ULX already has this too.

You'd have to make sure the clients downloaded this client side script.


--- Quote from: JamminR on February 09, 2008, 04:26:46 PM ---ulx cexec <all> "ulx (music or musicurl) [url or station]"
Basically, ULX already has this too.

You'd have to make sure the clients downloaded this client side script.

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I know, but I can on adding a vgui later.

Also you can give them access to this without giving them cexec access :P.

High6, I was answering Ninja's question. He wanted admin only. :)
I personally don't like admins forcing my music choice. I listen to my own, and normally have game sound turned down.

--- Quote from: Ninjadude101 on February 09, 2008, 10:31:44 AM --- but have an extra command which is admin only,  (!rockall, !cluball etc) which basically does the command on all client's consoles, thaat would be good.

--- End quote ---


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