Author Topic: ULX Rslots Nonfunctional on Dedicated Server  (Read 5134 times)

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Offline Chris

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ULX Rslots Nonfunctional on Dedicated Server
« on: February 09, 2008, 02:53:51 PM »
Hey guys. I'm having a mind-boggling (to me) problem with my dedicated server.

My users.txt file is correct, and when me and my counterpart enter the server, we are considered superadmins by ULX and GMod, and have all the powers therein. ULX works fine, all admin controls work fine, but we're having trouble getting ULX to recognise us as admins when it comes to reserved slots. I've copied over the users.txt file from garrysmod/settings to garrysmod/data/ulib just to be sure, but still nogo.

rslotsmode is set to 1, rslots is 2 (in a 6 slot server), rslotsvisible is 1, all in the server.ini file in the ulx/cfg folder.

When the server fills up with 4 people, leaving two slots left for us admins, and we try to connect, it disconnects us, saying "ULX reserved slots, sorry!". Is there something I'm doing wrong? Something I've neglected to do that I've not mentioned? Please let me know (I always stop/restart the server after making any changes to any mods on the server).

(Server's name is The Buildatorium, hosted by Artofwar.com, stop by sometime.)

Offline Megiddo

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Re: ULX Rslots Nonfunctional on Dedicated Server
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2008, 03:12:37 PM »
Give permission to the users wanting reserved slots.
Experiencing God's grace one day at a time.

Offline Chris

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Re: ULX Rslots Nonfunctional on Dedicated Server
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2008, 03:28:22 PM »
Code: [Select]

That's a clip from my groups.txt file in Ulib, is this where I would add the permission? Maybe add:

Code: [Select]

Is that the right permission?


Or this:

Code: [Select]

Is this it? I'd like to know before I dive back into the miles-per-century admin panel for my server to try it...


Alright, according to the groups.txt in garrysmod/data/ulib, superadmins "inherit" all the permissions given to normal admins, which INCLUDES "ulx reservedslots". Why are my superadmins not able to access these reserved slots?
« Last Edit: February 09, 2008, 04:31:05 PM by Chris »

Offline Chris

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Re: ULX Rslots Nonfunctional on Dedicated Server
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2008, 05:09:03 PM »
Ok, now I'm really stumped, I'm a superadmin on this server, I can "ulx slay" and all those good admin things, yet I'm not allowed by the server to do "ulx debuginfo" because I'm not an admin?

This is driving me nuts.

Offline Chris

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Re: ULX Rslots Nonfunctional on Dedicated Server
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2008, 05:19:01 PM »
Through the admin panel console, I got the debuginfo:

Code: [Select]
ULX version: 3.30
ULib version: 2.20
Gamemode: Sandbox
Map: gm_flatgrass
Dedicated server: true

Currently connected players:
Nick                            steamid            id lsh created
ỮẴ₣ Û© |PAalex            STEAM_0:1:16964265 1  n   641
{Jesusauras Rex}                STEAM_0:0:10334935 2  n   736
Chris                           STEAM_0:1:8002048  3  n   56
ỮẴ₣ Û©  | LZÃ¥lex         STEAM_0:0:15352272 4  n   929
«ŴŤƑ»XĬĐŌŃ             STEAM_0:1:16134724 5  n   145
killa b                         STEAM_0:1:11454516 6  n   468

ULib.ucl.users (#=0):

ULib.ucl.groups (#=5):
1 = ulx hiddenecho
2 = ulx rcon
3 = ulx luarun
4 = ulx cexec
5 = ulx ent
6 = ulx adduser
7 = ulx removeuser
8 = ulx userallow
9 = ulx userdeny
10 = ulx addgroup
11 = ulx removegroup
12 = ulx groupallow
13 = ulx groupdeny
14 = overcomeimmunity
15 = ulx reservedslots
1 = admin
1 = ulib_passtime
2 = ulib_passtimeout
3 = ulx spawnecho
4 = ulx tsay
5 = ulx csay
6 = ulx gimp
7 = ulx mute
8 = ulx ungimp
9 = ulx unmute
10 = ulx gag
11 = ulx ungag
12 = ulx chattime
13 = ulx welcomemessage
14 = ulx slap
15 = ulx whip
16 = ulx slay
17 = ulx sslay
18 = ulx ignite
19 = ulx unignite
20 = ulx playsound
21 = ulx freeze
22 = ulx unfreeze
23 = ulx god
24 = ulx ungod
25 = ulx noclip
26 = ulx hp
27 = ulx armor
28 = ulx cloak
29 = ulx uncloak
30 = ulx blind
31 = ulx unblind
32 = ulx jail
33 = ulx unjail
34 = ulx ghost
35 = ulx unghost
36 = ulx ragdoll
37 = ulx unragdoll
38 = ulx maul
39 = ulx strip
40 = ulx adminmenu
41 = ulx clientmenu
42 = ulx mapsmenu
43 = ulx showmotd
44 = ulx banmenu
45 = ulx exec
46 = ulx rslotsmode
47 = ulx rslots
48 = ulx rslotsvisible
49 = ulx reservedslots
50 = ulx bring
51 = ulx goto
52 = ulx send
53 = ulx teleport
54 = ulx tooldeny
55 = ulx toolallow
56 = ulx tooldenyuser
57 = ulx toolallowuser
58 = ulx tooldenyoverride
59 = ulx map
60 = ulx kick
61 = ulx ban
62 = ulx banid
63 = ulx unban
64 = ulx spectate
65 = ulx mingekick
66 = ulx physgunplayer
67 = ulx vote
68 = ulx votemap2
69 = ulx votekick
70 = ulx voteban
71 = ulx veto
1 = operator
1 = ulx
2 = ulx help
3 = ulx psay
4 = ulx asay
5 = ulx thetime
6 = ulx menu
7 = ulx_valueupdate
8 = ulx_cvar
9 = ulx_getgamemodes
10 = ulx motd
11 = ulx_getbans
12 = ulx usermanagementhelp
13 = ulx who
14 = ulx votemap
1 = ulx logecho
2 = ulx logfile
3 = ulx logevents
4 = ulx logchat
5 = ulx logspawns
6 = ulx logspawnsecho
7 = ulx logdir
8 = ulx addgimpsay
9 = ulx addadvert
10 = ulx addcsayadvert
11 = ulx addforceddownload
12 = ulx debuginfo
13 = ulx voteecho
14 = ulx votemap2successratio
15 = ulx votemap2minvotes
16 = ulx votekicksuccessratio
17 = ulx votekickminvotes
18 = ulx votebansuccessratio
19 = ulx votebanminvotes
20 = ulx votemapenabled
21 = ulx votemapmintime
22 = ulx votemapwaittime
23 = ulx votemapsuccessratio
24 = ulx votemapminvotes
25 = ulx votemapvetotime
26 = ulx votemapmapmode
27 = ulx votemapaddmap
1 = ulx seeasay

ULib.ucl.authed (#=10):
Player [NULL]:
type = guest
1 = user
2 = user
id =
account = ỮẴ₣ Û©  | LZÃ¥lex
uniqueid = 2838223323
Player [NULL]:
type = guest
1 = user
2 = user
id =
account = INV4D3RZ1M
uniqueid = 2381246282
Player [3][Chris]:
type = guest
1 = user
2 = superadmin
id =
account = Chris
uniqueid = 3552356939
Player [4][ỮẴ₣ Û©  | LZÃ¥lex]:
type = guest
1 = user
2 = user
id =
account = ỮẴ₣ Û©  | LZÃ¥lex
uniqueid = 2838223323
Player [6][killa b]:
type = guest
1 = user
2 = user
id =
account = killa b
uniqueid = 1740679832
Player [1][ỮẴ₣ ۩ |PAalex]:
type = guest
1 = user
2 = user
id =
account = ỮẴ₣ ۩ |PAalex
uniqueid = 1196167699
Player [2][{Jesusauras Rex}]:
type = guest
1 = user
2 = user
id =
account = {Jesusauras Rex}
uniqueid = 3895279768
Player [NULL]:
type = guest
1 = user
2 = user
id =
account = ỮẴ₣ ۩ |PAalex
uniqueid = 1196167699
Player [NULL]:
type = guest
1 = user
2 = user
id =
account = INV4D3RZ1M
uniqueid = 2381246282
Player [5][«ŴŤƑ»XĬĐŌŃ]:
type = guest
1 = user
2 = user
id =
account = «ŴŤƑ»XĬĐŌŃ
uniqueid = 2844126841

Garrysmod default file (#=2):
sparrowhawk = STEAM_0:1:5436842
chris = STEAM_0:1:8002048

Active addons on this server:
Adv Duplicator           by TAD2020, version 1.8359 (July 5th 2007)
counter-strike           by Valve, version 1 (5th August 2006)
day-of-defeat            by Valve, version 1 (22nd August 2006)
default_sent_pack        by TEAM GARRY, version 1 (3rd December 2006)
derma                    by , version 0.1 (17th July 2007)
dm_tropic                by , version 2 ()
epimetheus               by ZeroPoint, version 1 (February 5th 2007)
Fairy                    by Robbis_1 (aka Killer HAHA), version 1.3b ((null))
Fin2                     by Q42 + Tad2020, version 1.2999 (lol)
forest_melon             by PackRat, version 1.5 (18th Jan 2008)
gm_tropicalwaters        by , version 2 ()
hl2_ep2                  by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
hoverboard               by % Software, version 1 (22nd January 2008)
phx2                     by PhoeniX-Storms, 1/4 Life, scragnog, Das Great, PelPix, version  (10th January 2008)
portal                   by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
rings                    by Catdaemon, version v5eA ()
shuttle                  by Catdaemon, version 4a ()
Simple Prop Protection   by Spaceetech, version  ()
smartsnap                by Syranide, version 0.9.4 ()
smart_welding            by Duncan Stead, version 2.0999 (7th August 2007)
Stacker STool            by -, version 2.2 (19th January 2007)
sui_scoreboard           by Suicidal.Banana, version ? ()
tf2                      by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
TNT                      by Teta_Bonita, version 1 (16th September 2007)
ulib                     by Team Ulysses, version 2.2 (01/26/08)
ulx                      by Team Ulysses, version 3.2999 (01/26/08)
WeightSTool              by Spoco, version 1.21 ((null))
wire                     by Wire Team, version 0.9.6 (25st March 2007)
wire model pack 1        by Team Wire, version 0.3 (25st March 2007)

Is it a problem that I'm considered a user, and a superadmin at the same time?

Offline Chris

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Re: ULX Rslots Nonfunctional on Dedicated Server
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2008, 05:52:07 PM »
Alright, so, um. I fixed it. This entire time I assumed ULX and Ulib read from the GMod users.txt file and just made me a superadmin based on that file, but I just did "ulx adduser Chris superadmins" from the admin panel on my FTP while my client was connected, and now I'm able to join those reserved slots...I've read everywhere that it reads from the GMod users.txt file, what did I miss?

Offline JamminR

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Re: ULX Rslots Nonfunctional on Dedicated Server
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2008, 06:59:41 PM »
what did I miss?

I'm not sure. ULib does read from gmod/settings/users.txt
Was this a fresh install of ULib? Or an upgrade from previous version?
With any upgrade, unless you have custom groups, we recommend deleting of /data/ULib/ groups.txt and misc_registered.txt
At the least, misc_registered.txt

Also, are you sure it was "superadmins" and not "superadmin"?
No "S/plural".

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Offline nckwrn0

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Re: ULX Rslots Nonfunctional on Dedicated Server
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2008, 07:22:38 PM »
Alright, so, um. I fixed it. This entire time I assumed ULX and Ulib read from the GMod users.txt file and just made me a superadmin based on that file, but I just did "ulx adduser Chris superadmins" from the admin panel on my FTP while my client was connected, and now I'm able to join those reserved slots...I've read everywhere that it reads from the GMod users.txt file, what did I miss?
how do you get to the admin panel on your ftp?

Offline JamminR

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Re: ULX Rslots Nonfunctional on Dedicated Server
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2008, 08:13:16 PM »
how do you get to the admin panel on your ftp?
Depends on what control panel your game host supports. Contact your game hosts support pages.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Chris

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Re: ULX Rslots Nonfunctional on Dedicated Server
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2008, 09:17:11 PM »
I'm not sure. ULib does read from gmod/settings/users.txt
Was this a fresh install of ULib? Or an upgrade from previous version?
With any upgrade, unless you have custom groups, we recommend deleting of /data/ULib/ groups.txt and misc_registered.txt
At the least, misc_registered.txt

Also, are you sure it was "superadmins" and not "superadmin"?
No "S/plural".

I tried both singular and plural, but either way, I think I neglected to clean out the data/Ulib content...noob learning.

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Re: ULX Rslots Nonfunctional on Dedicated Server
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2008, 11:26:43 PM »
FYI - superadmins isn't a normal group... no S.
Just so you know.
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Offline spbogie

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Re: ULX Rslots Nonfunctional on Dedicated Server
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2008, 07:38:04 AM »
ULib does get the users from /settings/users.txt. However, due to current limitations, users from this file will be unable to use any of the user management commands, and will not be able to join in a reserved slot. Until we find some way to work around this issue you will need to add any users who need access to these functionality to the ULib users file. Please do not edit this file directly unless you know exactly what you are doing. Instead, please use the "ulx adduser" command (run it from SERVER console, or through RCON when adding yourself).
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