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ulx explode

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--- Quote from: MrPresident on May 17, 2008, 11:43:31 AM ---How did you guys get around that with slay?

--- End quote ---

Megiddo, he still may want to go further than that and use our variable.

I forget the exact check, but we have a variable set if in a vehicle, being mauled, jailed, ragdolled, and a few other instances that will prevent other actions from being performed.
You probably wouldn't want explode performed on a ragdolled player either. Though, then again, that might be funny. I think we have the ragdoll dissapear if the player dies/kills themself.
I'm on the run, or would look up the code for you.

(totally off topic - On run because wife and I are going house shopping again. Pray we find one, or I'll never be motivated to do all the little tasks this one needs to get back on the market again)

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array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given

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