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ulx explode

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Ok I registered :P I don't know why I didn't in the first place?

Nice module by the way. It's a fun add-on for some extra lols once in awhile and not too overpowered that it effects all players. By the way, I've noticed that it doesn't seem to work when a player is in a shuttle. I assume that the vehicle tweaks that you've applied to your script doesn't also work for sents too.


--- Code: ---ulx\modules/explode.lua:103: attempt to call method 'Frags' (a nil value)
--- End code ---

Considering how many updates have been made to Gmod between when this was released and now, it's a minor miracle this works at all anymore, sparky.

I've actually seen a lot of add-ons producing nil value errors. Probably removed/changed functions.


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