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[BROKEN] UMotd Revived - Motd and OTHER informational screens.

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This is now released to the public at large here at Ulysses forums through SVN. See information in original post.
Do not upload any SVN you download to any website, as Umotd will be changing frequently over the next few weeks/months.
At some point in time, I'll be posting a 'release' to Facepunch and here.

Biggest change as of this moment since I went SVN is that the ULX code to add to menus has now been placed in it's own ULX module, and (I believe) is more reliable about adding to those menus.

Report bugs. Don't just come here and say "It doesn't work". Provide detail. Error messages. Who, what, where, when, why, and how.

Does it support transparent PNG's and/or GIF's ?

Yes! It works perfectly! Though I'm not a HTML expert at all, I made a pretty nice MOTD. (I think.)

I was wondering, I have a huge list of addons with download links behind them in my MOTD so people can download all important addons immediatly. Though is there any chance of this:



being automaticly parsed to:

<A HREF="www.google.com">[/url]

So people can click those links?

Since running through that hole block of HTML (I copied it from my clan's forums. To my surprise it works.) and adding <A HREF="URL"> tag's to every link I come by is a bit to much for me.

But still, this addon rocks. Can't wait to see what the future brings!!


--- Quote from: Kingtendo on April 26, 2008, 10:07:25 AM ---Does it support transparent PNG's and/or GIF's ?

--- End quote ---
This uses GMod html interperter, which uses Source html interpreter, which (loosely) uses Internet Explorer from your machine.
I believe GIF is used, unsure of PNG.

--- Quote from: Marlamin on April 26, 2008, 10:21:58 AM ---Though is there any chance of this:
adding <A HREF="URL"> tag's to every link I come by is a bit to much for me.

--- End quote ---

Marlamin, Very little. Though possible, this would add unnecessary time parsing the files that are read and looking for %blah%
I'm already trying to figure out ways to optimize the dynamic replacement loop, and feel that the actual html coder should do any linking.
You might be interested in using %addons_long% in a !addons page you make or something. See my current version !serverinfo (or Umotd serverinfo from console), which has a section showing %addons_blah% which loops through addons.
Any addons in which the author included an "author_url" in the info.txt of the addon gets linked. Though, unfortunately, not many authors seem to use that.

We use a .PNG image in our MOTDs so I can confirm support for .png files.


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