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[BROKEN] UMotd Revived - Motd and OTHER informational screens.

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I have a suggestion. I think it would be cool to have a dynamic variable %rules% that could read from a txt EX: rules.txt as a table or plane text, so that you could just add %rules% to your motd.


--- Quote from: jay209015 on May 11, 2008, 01:12:18 AM ---I have a suggestion. I think it would be cool to have a dynamic variable %rules% that could read from a txt EX: rules.txt as a table or plane text, so that you could just add %rules% to your motd.

--- End quote ---

I understand what you want, but don't think it's a good idea.
That would just be overcomplicating things.
Either change the screen your players see when joining to a rules command, or just add the rules to your motd.

The reason I want it, is because I made A script that allows you to add/remove rules from the rules.txt ingame, but I would like those same rules to appear in the Motd.


--- Quote from: jay209015 on May 11, 2008, 07:48:38 PM ---The reason I want it, is because I made A script that allows you to add/remove rules from the rules.txt ingame, but I would like those same rules to appear in the Motd.

--- End quote ---
I understand why you want it. I just don't see this as a feature I'd add to the full release. Too few would use it.

If you want, add it yourself for now.
Should only take you one addition.
Find the dynamic variable table in Umotd_server.lua.
Add something like [%%rules%%] = function() local rules = file.Read(<your_file>) return rules end,
I'm not looking at my code right now to remember what the table exactly looks like, but the above line would be similar to what you need.

K, I will look into it. Thank you.

worked great.

--- Code: ---["%%rules%%"]          = function() return ajoin_rules() end,
--- End code ---

--- Code: --- function ajoin_rules()
local found_rules = file.Read("Umotd/rules2.txt")
return found_rules
--- End code ---


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