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[BROKEN] UMotd Revived - Motd and OTHER informational screens.

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Oops, I'll fix that when I have some time.

I've not looked at this code in a while, and at this point in my personal life, have no time or motivation.
I can't guarantee it will work with all the recent GMod (and actually, a few key ULib updates.)
It can suffer the same usermessage issue after a map change that ULib once did, due to it using what was believed to be a safe player spawn command.

Am I the only one or is the SVN link broken? Please help me, I really want UMotd

After reading the thread again there I don't think you would want the download at this time there Zenox as in the post above yours Jammin says it's most likely busted. 

Our SVN url changed, some months ago. (See, It's been a while since I worked on it)
Try that instead. Not sure a user/pass is required anymore. If it asks, use anonsvn:anonsvn

Feel free to try it out.
Telling me an error might, at the least, get me to update it to work if not put any extra features/optimization into it.


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