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[BROKEN] UMotd Revived - Motd and OTHER informational screens.

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I've used inline, and I've placed it in the head tags and it still works.

--- Code: ---<style type="text/css">
     div.main {
     background-color: #CCCCCC;
     border: 2px solid #000000;
--- End code ---

Would it be possible to add an option to each UMOTD entry in the config to keep the page loaded after the window has been closed? Such as steam MOTD behaviour.

I use this to my advantage by streaming media into an embedded media player, however with Umotd when you close the window, the page unloads and the stream stops. D= I don't know if it's Garry's doing, or even Steams doing with the Orangebox engine, but I have tried using SourceMod to bring up an old style MOTD box to see if that still works but it just sits there like a lemon.

Would it be possible to add that feature, and if not; any ideas for how I could acieve this again?

 There is no way to do this in configuration.
I have far off "to do" plans of adding a radio function, but it will require several lines of code change.
Well, yes, maybe only one, but, I want the frame to close if not a radio (save memory), or hide if a radio page.

If you (or anyone else for that matter) knows GLua (The Gmod functions of Lua) and want to tinker, look into Umotd_client.lua.
The button is now set to :Close()
I'm pretty sure that would need to change to :SetVisible( false )
Problem is, I've looked around the GMod Lua Wiki. Panel has a SetVisible. The DFrame I'm using doesn't show one in the Wiki.


--- Quote from: JamminR on September 29, 2008, 07:01:29 PM ---I'm pretty sure that would need to change to :SetVisible( false )
Problem is, I've looked around the GMod Lua Wiki. Panel has a SetVisible. The DFrame I'm using doesn't show one in the Wiki.

--- End quote ---

It inherits from EditablePanel which should have that function. :)

Yeah, I'd seen code examples using it too, just not blatantly in the DFrame library listing.
I think I remember even seeing it the oooold URadio.


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