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[BROKEN] UMotd Revived - Motd and OTHER informational screens.
--- Quote from: Reiko on October 01, 2008, 08:43:37 PM ---Great! It's working perfectly now. Thanks so much for all your help!
--- End quote ---
And thank you for the inspiration and practice.
It's been months since I've done any hobby coding I could enjoy.
Now that we've helped each other debug, I'll know what not to do when I incorporate streaming radio into UMotd.
If you ever have ideas or projects you need help with now that you've dabbled in Lua, please feel free to visit our Developer's corner forum.
I personally don't always know the direct answer, but I like learning from our community and my team.
The MOTD on player spawn thing won't work :(
I think somewhere here is the problem:
--- Code: ---function Umotd_help(ply, cmd, argv, args)
ULib.console(ply, "[Umotd] - The following are available; help(this context), " .. string.Implode( ", ", Ucmds ) )
--ULib.concommand( "Umotd", Umotd_help )
ULib.begin_subconcommand( "Umotd", Umotd_help, nil, ULib.ACCESS_ALL )
Umotd_content = { }
for Umotd_cmd, Ufile in pairs( Umotd_command_files ) do
Umotd_content[Umotd_cmd] = { }
Umotd_content[Umotd_cmd].cmd_name = Umotd_cmd
if Ufile:lower():find("http:", 1, true) then
Umotd_content[Umotd_cmd].path = Ufile -- It's a URL!
Umotd_content[Umotd_cmd].path = Umotd_LoadDir .. Ufile
if string.lower( Umotd_cmd ) == "motd" then
if not Umotd_content[Umotd_cmd].path:lower():find("http:", 1, true) then
local motdpath = "../" .. GetConVarString( "motdfile" )
if file.Exists( motdpath )
and not file.Read( motdpath ):find( "Welcome to Team Fortress 2", 1, true ) then
Umotd_content[Umotd_cmd] = { path = motdpath } --Use motdfile variable if it exists, otherwise use config.
if file.Exists( Umotd_content[Umotd_cmd].path ) or Umotd_content[Umotd_cmd].path:lower():find("http:", 1, true) then
Umotd_funcname = Umotd_cmd
table.insert( Ucmds, Umotd_cmd )
function Umotd_funcname(ply)
if not ply:IsValid() then
ULib.console(ply, "[Umotd] - You can't see the "..Umotd_cmd.." from the console.\n" )
UshowMotd( ply, Umotd_cmd, Umotd_content[Umotd_cmd].path )
Umotd_content[Umotd_cmd].func = Umotd_funcname
--print("Created ".. Umotd_cmd .." and passing ".. Umotd_content[Umotd_cmd].path )
ULib.add_subconcommand( "Umotd", Umotd_cmd, Umotd_funcname, ULib.ACCESS_ALL )
ULib.addSayCommand( Uchat_prefix .. Umotd_cmd, Umotd_funcname, "Umotd " .. Umotd_cmd )
Msg("[Umotd] Error - I can't create function \"" .. Umotd_cmd .. "\", file\URL " .. Umotd_content.Umotd_cmd.path .. " couldn't be found/understood.\n" )
Msg("[Umotd] Error - Function \"" .. Umotd_cmd.. "\" not created\n" )
-- Don't create functions.
function UShow_motd(ply)
if util.tobool( GetConVarString( "ulx_showMotd" ) ) then -- If ULX is loaded, attempt to disable its motd.
game.ConsoleCommand( "ulx showMotd 0\n" )
ply:ConCommand("Umotd "..Umotd_SpawnCommand .."\n")
local function Umotdinit()
if util.tobool(Umotd_ShowatPlayerSpawn) then
hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "Umotd_Spawner", UShow_motd)
Umotd_map_starttime = os.time()
hook.Add( "Initialize", "UmotdInitialize", Umotdinit )
--[[ ToDo
--table.HasValue - look it up ]]--
end -- UmotdLoaded
end -- Server
--- End code ---
My configuration file:
--- Code: ---Umotd_LoadDir = "Umotd/"
Uchat_prefix = "!"
Umotd_SpawnCommand = "listaddons"
Umotd_ShowatPlayerSpawn = "true"
Umotd_command_files = {
["motd"] = "motd_template.txt",
["rules"] = "rules.txt",
["helpme"] = "help.txt",
["serverinfo"] = "info_template.txt",
["ulysses"] = "http://www.ulyssesmod.net/",
["donations"] = "donations.txt",
["listaddons"] = "addons.txt",
["website"] = "http://www.pawspubserver.co.uk/",
Umotd_dynvar = true
Umotd_AddOnSep1 = ", <br>" -- this sets what to use as separator if you use %addon_long%
Umotd_AddOnSep2 = ", " -- this sets what to use as separator if you use %addon_short%
--- End code ---
Any errors at server startup? Any errors when you join your server? When other people join your server?
nope, no errors. then again, not really my server. I'm just the Lua guy for it. When I have this, it works: Umotd_ShowatPlayerSpawn = "false"
I shows the default (which isn't what we want)...
--- Quote from: Frostyfrog on October 10, 2008, 08:39:03 PM ---nope, no errors. then again, not really my server. I'm just the Lua guy for it. When I have this, it works: Umotd_ShowatPlayerSpawn = "false"
I shows the default (which isn't what we want)...
--- End quote ---
It's not showing up for me either. I don't really care, though, since nobody ever visits my server. :P
Oh, non-inline CSS works now! Kickass!
Now all I need for it to do is not lag so badly when trying to make a post on my forums... :P
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