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[BROKEN] UMotd Revived - Motd and OTHER informational screens.
Does this still work? Last time I tried it, I don't think it did.
It's major problem I know of is that Gmod usermessages can get sent out of order.
I've not changed it to help fight out of order usermessages.
ULib incorporated a way to prevent sending too early, but I'd been planning on making this not require ULib.
I really should find time to update it.
Is this going to be fixed?
*sigh* Some day.
Every time I think about using the Ulib 'fix broken usermessages' function, I end up not doing anything because again, when I go fully public with this, I hope not to use ULib.
I've just not had the urge to really code lately.
ULib is awesome! Why not use it?
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