Ulysses Stuff > Releases

UPS - Ulysses Prop Share

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Allowing per-player, and per-prop settings are planned. Interesting idea with the tool.

Finals are dogging me this and next week. I'll spend what time I can on UPS but no promises. :(

Another thing I'd like to see is an option to toggle use protection. That's something that I liked with spp, and I found another error. I don't know of any damaging effect from it but here it is.

--- Code: ---Error: Function (Touch) not found! on Scripted Entity (gmod_ghost)

--- End code ---

This came up when a player suicided next to one of my props. It spammed the error four time and I can replicate it.

Sorry for the double post, but I've found another bug or two.


 Ok, after further inspection. Umotd breaks UPS by making it so that every non admin can't touch their own props, but they can touch only admin prop.
Players that are connected while Umotd was on the server stayed with the disability mentioned above, but after removing Umotd new players functioned normally, but still the players that were in the server with Umotd are still disabled even after a full server restart. Again no console errors, and all props say up for grabs.
I tested making these disabled users admin, and they were able to touch their props again, but I would really love to use Umotd in the near future :D.
Appears to be a bug you and Jamm have to work on together.

I threw some images together. BTW Jamm I tried it with jpg, but still doesn't resize the images. You can delete them from the post after Meg is finished with them.

Though I'm perfectly willing to work with Megiddo ... I'm totally at a loss as to how Umotd would affect _any_ player access to props.
Umotd uses no player access modification. The ULib functions that Umotd use are Ulib.console for error/warning messages, ULib.add_subconcommand, ULib.addSayCommand, and IsSuperAdmin, IsAdmin.

I'm seriously thinking this is coincidence. Not ruling it out mind you, just highly skeptical.

Jay, try using the attach file option for your jpgs. The image tag probably doesn't resize. I'm pretty sure attaching makes a thumb. Just a thought.

It's now after midnight my time. I must be up for work by 630am. I'll test tomorrow night on my end. I've not yet tried UPS.


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