:S I so dont know if I want to start using UPS or SPP :S
kinda leaning to using UPS instead of my old fav SPP sadly

UPS seems to work good, just it would be nice if admin could say BOOM no matter what all users "use protections off", instead of boom this player cant use this and that player cant use that, dont get me wrong but love that as well... im just a little use to SPP sorry.
i could never seem to set it right to allow ppl to use phzgun/cannon on my props like when we play hot potato with a nuke melon, i end up turning everything off lol.
SPP my first, even helped ppl with it when the stargate addon was not working right on it

i kinda feel like its been there from the time i was a kid

i wish it would come out with some new shinny stuff but it just seems like it has the same old stuff and only just being worked on enough to keep it running. every time i turn around my props are on fire :S and whats even more said about it is my own auto targeting gun i have settup from "Space Build Modelpack" is putting its self on fire for some gay reason. and so on.
well i was typing this i felt something on the tip of my big toe, i was thinking it was my cat messing around trying to get behind my computer so i just ignore it for a bit but it felt like it was getting closer and harder so i push my keybord in my desk look down a god dam mouse was eating my sock and starting to bit my toe alittle bit WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
time to go get my cat and go hunting, wow u should see the size of the hole in my sock