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Uban PHP Viewer
--- Quote from: AviZ on May 31, 2008, 08:37:06 PM ---also have a diffrence for the ban times. e,g 1 day ban
--- End quote ---
How do you mean?
I had a look at your page, and im fairly new to MySQL and PHP scripting, So would you be able to help me with pagination? I've found a few places on the interwebs with condes to use but i can't make head or tail from them. Also they are from back in 2003
I have future plans to build a search box to search steamids only. (as Uban doesn't pick up all characters. Like my old clantag was picked up as weird combinations of letters.)
And i also plan to have an identical page for server admins to be able to unban them, however this page would obviously have to be passworded.
im new to it too, however google is a wonderful tool :)
http://impulsegaming.org/serverbans <---- Pageation
I like what you have done with that. Could you send me the source code? (Obviously removing your database details)
yep ok
Heres the pageation fix.
Thanks, Applying my current bugfixes and updates to it. Should be another version soon :D
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