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Uban PHP Viewer

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Good job, saves me writing my own :)

what i would like to see is people help to make this a better thing, rather than just taking, editing it to their liking and thats it.

There must be some telented people out there that deals with php, afterall "Two Heads Are Better Than One"

Hey I'm fine with posting my code. It's not going to be much but I have no problem with sharing it :)


Oooh that looks interesting! My coding skills aren't that well-tuned yet though, so I'm having a hard time figuring out how I'm supposed to use it, but hey, I have time.

Update: Needs configuring in the webserver... I doubt I'll be able to do that with my cheap-as- package, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to ask. I know PHP though, so I'll be focusing my efforts on that. Perhaps if my brain grows I'll try later, haha ;D


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