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Uban PHP Viewer

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Welcome to the sad, cruel world of open source development. :P


--- Quote from: Lt.Smith on June 05, 2008, 02:24:45 PM ---Heh, I ended up starting from scratch and writing my own page anyway.

You can take this and use it, modify it, whatever. Just remember to be nice and keep my name in the bottom or commented out in the page's source or something if you really find it ugly. Do whatever.

The coding is pretty sloppy, especially the pagination part, but I was too lazy to check where I'd mixed up ' and " quotes. I pulled the pagination part from a deceased script elsewhere, so it's a bit of a mess. If you want to cut down on the amount of queries you're executing, the thing you can remove is the permaban counter, it'll come out with no trouble at all. I tried to comment what I was doing as much as possible, so it shouldn't be too hard to follow.

The attached file is .txt by the way - just rename it to .php, fill in your database info and you're ready to roll! :)

Check out what she looks like here!

--- End quote ---

With my keen eye I fixed up your sexy script.

Here's the line that saves all the problems:
--- Code: ---echo '<a href="?page=' . $i . '">' . $i . '</a> '; // echo a link to the page

--- End code ---

Cool script I use this. I removed the thing at the bottom but only because it ruined the feel to the viewer and looked out of place to me.   :(


--- Quote from: Killers2 on August 19, 2008, 09:15:36 PM ---Cool script I use this. I removed the thing at the bottom but only because it ruined the feel to the viewer and looked out of place to me.   :(

--- End quote ---
Then by all means, if you haven't already, find another way to show credit publicly. :)
A small text link somewhere can go a long way.

I know it's been a long time for posting in this thread, but it seems stupid to make a new thread.
Was speaking with Meg earlier today in my server (testing stuff) and I mentioned that i am re-building my clans website, totally re-writing a new ban-page and layout, so when we are done and moved over to the new system, i will release our old files.

To see the current look of the page: http://www.aouv.co.uk/serverbans

I know, having no pagination is kinda sucky, but it has search which makes up for it.
If i feel good i might put pagination in it just for you guys, would be an excuse to actually teach myself how to do that.

Please keep in mind i started making this page around a year ago (ish) some code may be from other sources, but the most part is my own bits. Also try to remember that this was initially made just for us, so we didn't make it super-easy to configure and it isn't made with the guy setting it up in mind. That said, there is a file for storing the database config variables in there, which obviously is the most of the configuration. If you want to change anything like images or layout, you're on your own.



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