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Uban PHP Viewer
Hi, im new on php and mysql so:
so how i install this on my website?
--- Quote from: Pizzaboy on January 27, 2009, 12:07:09 PM ---Hi, im new on php and mysql so:
so how i install this on my website?
--- End quote ---
Just edit the index.php file in any text editor filling the variables with the proper information, upload to any directory on a webserver, and it should work, make sure to keep the image relevant path though.
Also, NinjaDude101, I have learned a bit of PHP and CSS myself and during my free time, I'll be more than happy to help you out with the code.
as some of you can tell i lost my website so thats why my avatar ant working.
but i just had to give this a try for the of it, right now its just default
Hey I appreciate you doing this and I would love to get this working!
Where is says IP I don't know what to put there?
The IP of what?
I've never seen IP, only name user pass etc...
Ice, you'd put the same IP that UBan uses for your MySQL server
This requires UBan, which requires MySQL database
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