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Uban PHP Viewer

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--- Quote from: JamminR on April 02, 2009, 09:47:38 PM ---Ice, you'd put the same IP that UBan uses for your MySQL server
This requires UBan, which requires MySQL database

--- End quote ---

 I forgot to update this :P

I removed IP and added some custom php stuff so it makes a better connection and it now works. :P

How would i go about modifying the uban php viewer to make it so it shows bans that are not from the addons uban and just normal bans from base ulx

Another quick question. how would i make it instead of time left it would show their bantime

Both are questions that would require serious modification to the original codebase, and take more time than most of us hobbyists currently have motivation or time to do.
They are both valid and possible, just a major rewrite requirement for little end satisfaction.


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