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No, nothone get's promoted to or from a group level of 1, this also means your colonel will never be reached unless you start from #2 with it.


--- Quote from: jay209015 on July 31, 2008, 12:22:58 PM ---No, nothone get's promoted to or from a group level of 1, this also means your colonel will never be reached unless you start from #2 with it.

--- End quote ---

It still doesn't wanna work.

Still trying to make admins privates?
Need more detail other then it doesn't work.


--- Quote from: jay209015 on July 31, 2008, 05:40:53 PM ---Still trying to make admins privates?
Need more detail other then it doesn't work.

--- End quote ---

It isn't ranking up regular players now.

Ok, I patched it up real quick, they should be able to get promoted to colonel now, but not past it. That is what you wanted correct?
Anyways, your file is attached.


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