Ulysses Stuff > Ulysses Release Archives
The update shouldn't of been able to do anything to it, since it uses the ULib.kick() function milliseconds after removing their props.
Rly? Maybe you check it out?
--- Code: ---(Console) to admins: Player hardy is spamming, and has a warn level of 5. Kicking them after 5 more warnings
hardy<STEAM_0:0:12673821> spawned model models/props_borealis/bluebarrel001.mdl
You must wait 0.3 second(s) before spawning another prop/ent
If you continue to Spam, you will be kicked!
(Console) to admins: Player hardy is spamming, and has a warn level of 6. Kicking them after 4 more warnings
hardy<STEAM_0:0:12673821> spawned model models/props_borealis/bluebarrel001.mdl
You must wait 0.3 second(s) before spawning another prop/ent
If you continue to Spam, you will be kicked!
(Console) to admins: Player hardy is spamming, and has a warn level of 7. Kicking them after 3 more warnings
hardy<STEAM_0:0:12673821> spawned model models/props_borealis/bluebarrel001.mdl
hardy<STEAM_0:0:12673821> spawned model models/props_borealis/bluebarrel001.mdl
hardy<STEAM_0:0:12673821> spawned model models/props_borealis/bluebarrel001.mdl
You must wait 0.3 second(s) before spawning another prop/ent
If you continue to Spam, you will be kicked!
(Console) to admins: Player hardy is spamming, and has a warn level of 8. Kicking them after 2 more warnings
hardy<STEAM_0:0:12673821> spawned model models/props_borealis/bluebarrel001.mdl
You must wait 0.3 second(s) before spawning another prop/ent
If you continue to Spam, you will be kicked!
You must wait 0.3 second(s) before spawning another prop/ent
If you continue to Spam, you will be kicked!
hardy's props have been cleaned up
(Console) to admins: Player hardy is spamming, and has a warn level of 9. Kicking them after 1 more warnings
(Console) to admins: Player hardy is spamming, and has a warn level of 10. Kicking them after 0 more warnings
player hardy's props have been removed
hardy<STEAM_0:0:12673821> spawned model models/props_borealis/bluebarrel001.mdl
hardy<STEAM_0:0:12673821> spawned model models/props_borealis/bluebarrel001.mdl
You must wait 0.3 second(s) before spawning another prop/ent
If you continue to Spam, you will be kicked!
hardy's props have been cleaned up
(Console) to admins: Player hardy is spamming, and has a warn level of 11. Kicking them after -1 more warnings
player hardy's props have been removed
all cleaned
hardy<STEAM_0:0:12673821> spawned model models/props_borealis/bluebarrel001.mdl
You must wait 0.3 second(s) before spawning another prop/ent
If you continue to Spam, you will be kicked!
hardy's props have been cleaned up
(Console) to admins: Player hardy is spamming, and has a warn level of 12. Kicking them after -2 more warnings
player hardy's props have been removed
all cleaned
all cleaned
hardy<STEAM_0:0:12673821> spawned model models/props_borealis/bluebarrel001.mdl
You must wait 0.3 second(s) before spawning another prop/ent
If you continue to Spam, you will be kicked!
hardy's props have been cleaned up
(Console) to admins: Player hardy is spamming, and has a warn level of 13. Kicking them after -3 more warnings
player hardy's props have been removed
hardy<STEAM_0:0:12673821> spawned model models/props_borealis/bluebarrel001.mdl
You must wait 0.3 second(s) before spawning another prop/ent
If you continue to Spam, you will be kicked!
hardy's props have been cleaned up
(Console) to admins: Player hardy is spamming, and has a warn level of 14. Kicking them after -4 more warnings
player hardy's props have been removed
all cleaned
all cleaned
--- End code ---
You must have another addon that is hindering the script, cause I've tested it with all the common ones and it still works.
Jay, he's having problems with UPS too. I'm definitely leaning towards his issue being addon conflict.
However, could either be affecting the other? That is, could ASpam be preventing UPS from working or perhaps vice versa.
No, infact ASpam is designed to use UPS :D
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