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Add: [1] = "superadmin" [1] = "admin"at the top of your groups_to_promote right above colonel, and that should fix your problem, because any group with a value of 1 doesn't get promoted.Also add them to the promote_to table as the HighestLevel just like you did with colonel.
No, nothone get's promoted to or from a group level of 1, this also means your colonel will never be reached unless you start from #2 with it.
Still trying to make admins privates?Need more detail other then it doesn't work.
Ok, I patched it up real quick, they should be able to get promoted to colonel now, but not past it. That is what you wanted correct?Anyways, your file is attached.
Player:Smoot has been promoted to privatefirstclass for exceptional behaviour(ADMIN) (Console) added userid STEAM_0:1:12783335 (Smoot) to group "privatefirstclass"
Is this a rented server, do you have access to the server console directly? If so do you get any errors? Because it's kinda strange that it just quit working after just adding superadmin and admin =/Not much is different from this post:This is very strange.