Ulysses Stuff > Suggestions

Idea list

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Edit: I still would love to see these.

-Allow clients to call up votemaps
-Allow admins to cancel votes or verify them
-Change the colour of peoples names
-Welcome messages, when they join a server it will say "Welcome to the xx server"


-Mod instuctions, tell new players what to do in a mod Yes they have instuctions but Barrelmania doesn't


--- Quote from: jesus on November 15, 2005, 08:26:18 AM ---Maybe it's just me being silly but;

-Allow clients to call up votemaps
-Allow admins to cancel votes or verify them
-Change the percentage of people needed to win a vote (Is this possible already, currently the person I want to kick has to say "yes" to kicking them)
-My server runs Barrelmania only, so when I play I add admins to Red team, friends to Yellow and everyone else in on Blue, it would be good if I could just change the colour of a persons name without changing their team.
-Welcome messages, when they join a server it will say "Welcome to the xx server"
-Ping kicking
-Real time adding people to admin, or through a menu or something
-Be able to force someone to a spectator. (I can only force red, yellow, green and blue)


-Mod instuctions, tell new players what to do in a mod etc.

You can force people to spectator.

--- End quote ---

You can force people to spectator.

Well then my suggestion is to add it to the ulx_menu.


Ping kicking can be accessed through another script recently reeleased on the FP forums. Mod instructions come up when you press F1, or should, as it depends on whether or not the mod maker put them in there. It already does have real-time admin adding, all you have to do is add an admin and type lua_openscript init/ulx_init.lua


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