Author Topic: How would I make it so all the groups have different colors?  (Read 2575 times)

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Offline nckwrn0

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Like i want Superadmin to be red admin to be green  etc......
I know you have to edit uteam.txt can someone make me one?

Offline JamminR

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Re: How would I make it so all the groups have different colors?
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2008, 06:35:39 PM »
No. I will not make you one.
I've had a long hard day in real life. I just fixed my own roof to save $500+.
I did this by using search. (actually, something quite novel, I had a home repair book... amazing what books still hold)

You can now find your own solution and save us the frustration.
Go to our forum front page at
Type uteam.txt (or is it uteams? I forget) in the search box.
Click Search button.
This request has been asked too many times.
It's not difficult, especially when you see the many responses people have made here before.

NOW. That being said. Once you've made your own after looking up all the help thats already been offered on this forum, and _then_ have problems with it.. try posting it and asking for help.
It's usually a syntax error, but you'll see that others have done that too in the search results.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming