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Anti-Stool Relased [ULXTool]

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But i have to say this wouldn't of been finished if it wasent for Jay


--- Quote from: Kyzer on July 12, 2008, 06:06:18 AM ---Your link isn't working, here is the working one: http://dev-solution.org/resources/gmod/addons/ULX_Anti-Stool.zip :)

About the script:

No offense but i just don't understand why you did so complicated! I mean, why calling functions like table.HasValue or string.find(), or for() loops..you don't need them in this script. Also, ply:IsAdmin() return true if the player is superadmin, so you don't need to use ply:IsSuperadmin()...think about making efficient code ;)

I also don't understand why you UpdateAllowedPlayers() at PlayerSpawn, don't you think it should be better with a console command for admins?
Well you need 2 commands:
"antistool_restrict_tool <toolname>" which will add <toolname> in AStool_Table["Tools"], and save AStool_Table in the file.
"antistool_allow_player <steamid>" which will add <steamid> in AStool_Table["Players"], and save AStool_Table in the file.

--- End quote ---

Well not being offecneive but Read under my name i will add console commands in the next verison and make it less complcated

Please avoid the triple posts... :-/

This is an awesum mod  ;D It is great to protect your server from people who might use some tools to crash the server. It also helps you to create incentives for people to sign up as a VIP or whatever on you server, by restricting some special tools to the masses. Unfortunataly I have tried and failed to restrict extra tools  :'( I heard you might be making a video on how to do this? Don't suppose you could help me out, I need to restrict tools like smart-weld, smart constraint, bouyancy etc. Cheers


So anyone have any idea so far how to add people to list who can use the tools as it seems not to be working.


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