Both of you guys need to get new razors! 
1) I'm lazy
2) It was the weekend.
3) What used to take 5-10 minutes (I use an electric) now takes 15-20 because of the following steps.
a) Find the hidden spot for razor used to keep clutter off bathroom counter since house shoppers DON'T LIKE to see what THEY THEMSELVES will make a house look like.
b) Retrieve the razor and shave
c) Clean shaver so when you put it back in the hidden spot instead of being able to constantly charge it or place it in the auto-cleaner normally on the counter it won't dirty the hidden spot.
d) Use a wipe to clean the fuzz from around the sink that made it past the towel or other object you tried to use to capture the fuzz.
e) Check floor (see d)
f) Remember to put up shaver.
g) Depending on how awake, remember where shaver goes to hide.
h) Repeat, but with additional following points;
- 1. Remember sometime in all that to charge razor, or as usual, forget and try to shave when you need it the most with razor motors spinning at half speed.
- 2. Scream if point 1 applies.
- 3. See Main #1 above on why shaving is now not on list of priorities especially on the weekends.