Author Topic: ULX installed but admin privledges not working  (Read 2841 times)

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Offline Leaky

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ULX installed but admin privledges not working
« on: August 09, 2008, 04:17:02 PM »
I installed ULX and am running a gmod 10 server. I join the server and type ulx menu and only the motd comes up, not the command list. Also if I type ulx kick it says sorry you do not have access to that command. I left the users.txt in ulib alone and only edited users.txt in C:\srcds\orangebox\garrysmod\settings.
Here is my users.txt
   // This is your users file
   // You can use this file to add people as admins on your server
   // Add them to the relevant section
   // If you're a Lua coder you can add your own sections and use them
   // in your script by doing pl:IsUserGroup( "admin" ) etc

                "L3@ky"                   "STEAM_0:1:MYSTEAMID"
                //"other admins"                       "STEAM_0:1:XXXXXXX"


When I join it says I'm a superadmin, but I still can't kick or use the ulx menu other than bringing up the motd.

Thanks in advance!

Offline JamminR

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Re: ULX installed but admin privledges not working
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2008, 07:03:13 PM »
Leaky, though the file looks ok from here, please see our Having trouble with access? link in our FAQs. It has information that will help us help you.l
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Leaky

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Re: ULX installed but admin privledges not working
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2008, 09:08:00 AM »
here's something that made me wonder if the permissions are correct....this is my users.txt in garrysmod/data/ulib
   "type"   "steamid"
   "id"   "STEAM_0:1:3596205"
   "pass" ""
      "ulx hasreadhelp"

Looks like ulx hasreadhelp is the only perm I that what that means?

Offline Leaky

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Re: ULX installed but admin privledges not working
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2008, 09:21:13 AM »
here's the debuginfo.txt dump

ULX version: 3.31
ULib version: 2.21
Gamemode: Sandbox
Map: gm_construct
Dedicated server: true

Currently connected players:
Nick                            steamid            id lsh created
L3@ky                           STEAM_0:1:3596205  1  n   20

ULib.ucl.users (#=1):
      type   =   steamid
         1   =   superadmin
      id   =   STEAM_0:1:3596205
      pass   =   
         1   =   ulx hasreadhelp

ULib.ucl.groups (#=5):
         1   =   ulib_passtime
         2   =   ulib_passtimeout
         3   =   ulx spawnecho
         4   =   ulx tsay
         5   =   ulx csay
         6   =   ulx gimp
         7   =   ulx mute
         8   =   ulx ungimp
         9   =   ulx unmute
         10   =   ulx gag
         11   =   ulx ungag
         12   =   ulx chattime
         13   =   ulx welcomemessage
         14   =   ulx slap
         15   =   ulx whip
         16   =   ulx slay
         17   =   ulx sslay
         18   =   ulx ignite
         19   =   ulx unignite
         20   =   ulx playsound
         21   =   ulx freeze
         22   =   ulx unfreeze
         23   =   ulx god
         24   =   ulx ungod
         25   =   ulx noclip
         26   =   ulx hp
         27   =   ulx armor
         28   =   ulx cloak
         29   =   ulx uncloak
         30   =   ulx blind
         31   =   ulx unblind
         32   =   ulx jail
         33   =   ulx unjail
         34   =   ulx ghost
         35   =   ulx unghost
         36   =   ulx ragdoll
         37   =   ulx unragdoll
         38   =   ulx maul
         39   =   ulx strip
         40   =   ulx adminmenu
         41   =   ulx clientmenu
         42   =   ulx mapsmenu
         43   =   ulx showmotd
         44   =   ulx banmenu
         45   =   ulx exec
         46   =   ulx rslotsmode
         47   =   ulx rslots
         48   =   ulx rslotsvisible
         49   =   ulx reservedslots
         50   =   ulx bring
         51   =   ulx goto
         52   =   ulx send
         53   =   ulx teleport
         54   =   ulx tooldeny
         55   =   ulx toolallow
         56   =   ulx tooldenyuser
         57   =   ulx toolallowuser
         58   =   ulx tooldenyoverride
         59   =   ulx map
         60   =   ulx kick
         61   =   ulx ban
         62   =   ulx banid
         63   =   ulx unban
         64   =   ulx spectate
         65   =   ulx physgunplayer
         66   =   ulx vote
         67   =   ulx votemap2
         68   =   ulx votekick
         69   =   ulx voteban
         70   =   ulx veto
         1   =   operator
         1   =   ulx
         2   =   ulx help
         3   =   ulx psay
         4   =   ulx asay
         5   =   ulx thetime
         6   =   ulx menu
         7   =   ulx_valueupdate
         8   =   ulx_cvar
         9   =   ulx_getgamemodes
         10   =   ulx motd
         11   =   ulx_getbans
         12   =   ulx usermanagementhelp
         13   =   ulx who
         14   =   ulx votemap
         1   =   ulx seeasay
         1   =   ulx logecho
         2   =   ulx logfile
         3   =   ulx logevents
         4   =   ulx logchat
         5   =   ulx logspawns
         6   =   ulx logspawnsecho
         7   =   ulx logdir
         8   =   ulx addgimpsay
         9   =   ulx addadvert
         10   =   ulx addcsayadvert
         11   =   ulx addforceddownload
         12   =   ulx debuginfo
         13   =   ulx voteecho
         14   =   ulx votemap2successratio
         15   =   ulx votemap2minvotes
         16   =   ulx votekicksuccessratio
         17   =   ulx votekickminvotes
         18   =   ulx votebansuccessratio
         19   =   ulx votebanminvotes
         20   =   ulx votemapenabled
         21   =   ulx votemapmintime
         22   =   ulx votemapwaittime
         23   =   ulx votemapsuccessratio
         24   =   ulx votemapminvotes
         25   =   ulx votemapvetotime
         26   =   ulx votemapmapmode
         27   =   ulx votemapaddmap

ULib.ucl.authed (#=1):
   Player [1][L3@ky]:
      type   =   steamid
         1   =   superadmin
         2   =   superadmin
      account   =   l3@ky
      id   =   STEAM_0:1:3596205
         1   =   ulx hasreadhelp
      uniqueid   =   3236558045

Garrysmod default file (#=1):
      l3@ky   =   STEAM_0:1:3596205

Active addons on this server:
counter-strike           by Valve, version 1 (5th August 2006)
day-of-defeat            by Valve, version 1 (22nd August 2006)
default_sent_pack        by TEAM GARRY, version 1 (3rd December 2006)
derma                    by , version 0.1 (17th July 2007)
GMOW-v3 Cars Part1       by Solid_Granite, GiGaBiTe, version 3.2b (November 29th, 2006)
GMOW-v3 Cars Part2       by Solid_Granite, GiGaBiTe, version 3.2b (November 29th, 2006)
hl2_ep2                  by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
keypad                   by Robbis_1 (aka Killer HAHA), version 1.3999 (25th February 2008)
Kuno's Cars              by kuno86/kuno_knast, version 1 (n/a)
phx2                     by PhoeniX-Storms, 1/4 Life, hunter, joebloom, scragnog, x-quake, Xeon133, PelPix, version SVN (20th May 2008)
portal                   by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
PropProtection           by Chaussetteâ„¢, version 1.46 (10 mai 2007)
PropSecure               by Conna, version 3 ((null))
tf2                      by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
ulib                     by Team Ulysses, version 2.21 (06/08/08)
ulx                      by Team Ulysses, version 3.3099 (06/08/08)

Offline Leaky

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Re: ULX installed but admin privledges not working
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2008, 09:49:34 AM »
okay, figured it out. This thread helped:,3581.0.html
Said to delete the garrysmod\data\ulib directory. Once I did that, everything worked perfectly!