Author Topic: Adding yourself to users.txt  (Read 8916 times)

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Adding yourself to users.txt
« on: August 08, 2008, 04:43:04 AM »
OK, i have installed ulib and ulx onto my server. now i am trying to add myself into the users.txt file.
This is a copy of my users.txt file which is located in garrysmod/data/ulib and in garrysmod/settings.


"Blackhawk " "STEAM_0:0:12772889"

Can i restart the server and join and type in !menu and it says that i do not have access to that command. I then type ulx menu in console and it says the same thing. Can anyone help me or tell how to fix this issue.


  • Guest
Re: Adding yourself to users.txt
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2008, 04:58:31 AM »

Can i restart the server

I meant to say i have restarted the server

Offline JamminR

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Re: Adding yourself to users.txt
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2008, 12:25:25 AM »
Our ulib users.txt uses a totally different format than Garry's users.txt.
Remove your edited file from gmod/data/Ulib .. in fact, delete the data/Ulib folder for cleanest results.
Restart your server. Join. If you have your proper SteamID in the settings/users.txt as shown in your post, you should have superadmin.
From there, use the Ulx commands to add/create groups.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming


  • Guest
Re: Adding yourself to users.txt
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2008, 03:26:26 AM »
ok i have tryed that, i have removed the users.txt in the data/ulib folder, restarted the server and it still says that i dont have access to that command i have also tryed using the "ulx adduser ****** superadmin 1" command in HLSW "which is like a remote console" and it said it added me as a superadmin with immunity. I then join the server type in !menu and it still says you do not have access to this command.

Offline JamminR

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Re: Adding yourself to users.txt
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2008, 05:17:47 PM »
Not sure then.
Please follow ALL steps in http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,383.0.html
One quite literally helps us help you, and is a lie detector test that we'll know if you truly followed all the steps. :)
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming


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Re: Adding yourself to users.txt
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2008, 12:24:43 AM »
I read that thread before i posted, and if it had helped me i wouldnt be here asking for help. But i have done everything in it again. Also i cant get the debuginfo becuase it says :

ulx debuginfo
You do not have access to this command, AG.Blackhawk.

:( Anymore suggestions. I really need a good admin system before i start installing all the other addons.


  • Guest
Re: Adding yourself to users.txt
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2008, 01:24:26 AM »
ok, i managed to get the debugbump using HLSW.

ULX version: 3.40
ULib version: 2.30
Gamemode: Sandbox
Map: gm_construct
Dedicated server: true

Currently connected players:
Nick                            steamid            id lsh created

ULib.ucl.users (#=0):

ULib.ucl.groups (#=5):
         1   =   ulx hiddenecho
         2   =   ulx rcon
         3   =   ulx luarun
         4   =   ulx cexec
         5   =   ulx ent
         6   =   ulx adduser
         7   =   ulx adduserid
         8   =   ulx removeuser
         9   =   ulx userallow
         10   =   ulx userdeny
         11   =   ulx addgroup
         12   =   ulx removegroup
         13   =   ulx groupallow
         14   =   ulx groupdeny
         15   =   overcomeimmunity
         1   =   admin
         1   =   ulib_passtime
         2   =   ulib_passtimeout
         3   =   ulx spawnecho
         4   =   ulx tsay
         5   =   ulx csay
         6   =   ulx gimp
         7   =   ulx mute
         8   =   ulx ungimp
         9   =   ulx unmute
         10   =   ulx gag
         11   =   ulx ungag
         12   =   ulx chattime
         13   =   ulx welcomemessage
         14   =   ulx slap
         15   =   ulx whip
         16   =   ulx slay
         17   =   ulx sslay
         18   =   ulx ignite
         19   =   ulx unignite
         20   =   ulx playsound
         21   =   ulx freeze
         22   =   ulx unfreeze
         23   =   ulx god
         24   =   ulx ungod
         25   =   ulx noclip
         26   =   ulx hp
         27   =   ulx armor
         28   =   ulx cloak
         29   =   ulx uncloak
         30   =   ulx blind
         31   =   ulx unblind
         32   =   ulx jail
         33   =   ulx unjail
         34   =   ulx ghost
         35   =   ulx unghost
         36   =   ulx ragdoll
         37   =   ulx unragdoll
         38   =   ulx maul
         39   =   ulx strip
         40   =   ulx adminmenu
         41   =   ulx clientmenu
         42   =   ulx mapsmenu
         43   =   ulx showmotd
         44   =   ulx banmenu
         45   =   ulx exec
         46   =   ulx rslotsmode
         47   =   ulx rslots
         48   =   ulx rslotsvisible
         49   =   ulx reservedslots
         50   =   ulx bring
         51   =   ulx goto
         52   =   ulx send
         53   =   ulx teleport
         54   =   ulx tooldeny
         55   =   ulx toolallow
         56   =   ulx tooldenyuser
         57   =   ulx toolallowuser
         58   =   ulx tooldenyoverride
         59   =   ulx map
         60   =   ulx kick
         61   =   ulx ban
         62   =   ulx banid
         63   =   ulx unban
         64   =   ulx spectate
         65   =   ulx physgunplayer
         66   =   ulx vote
         67   =   ulx votemap2
         68   =   ulx votekick
         69   =   ulx voteban
         70   =   ulx veto
         1   =   operator
         1   =   ulx
         2   =   ulx help
         3   =   ulx psay
         4   =   ulx asay
         5   =   ulx thetime
         6   =   ulx menu
         7   =   ulx_valueupdate
         8   =   ulx_cvar
         9   =   ulx_getgamemodes
         10   =   ulx motd
         11   =   ulx_getbans
         12   =   ulx usermanagementhelp
         13   =   ulx who
         14   =   ulx votemap
         1   =   ulx logecho
         2   =   ulx logfile
         3   =   ulx logevents
         4   =   ulx logchat
         5   =   ulx logspawns
         6   =   ulx logspawnsecho
         7   =   ulx logdir
         8   =   ulx addgimpsay
         9   =   ulx addadvert
         10   =   ulx addcsayadvert
         11   =   ulx addforceddownload
         12   =   ulx debuginfo
         13   =   ulx voteecho
         14   =   ulx votemap2successratio
         15   =   ulx votemap2minvotes
         16   =   ulx votekicksuccessratio
         17   =   ulx votekickminvotes
         18   =   ulx votebansuccessratio
         19   =   ulx votebanminvotes
         20   =   ulx votemapenabled
         21   =   ulx votemapmintime
         22   =   ulx votemapwaittime
         23   =   ulx votemapsuccessratio
         24   =   ulx votemapminvotes
         25   =   ulx votemapvetotime
         26   =   ulx votemapmapmode
         27   =   ulx votemapaddmap
         1   =   ulx seeasay

LIST OF PLAYERS THAT HAVE CONNECTED, (i missed them out as this post would go on for ages if i didnt)

Garrysmod default file (#=2):
      blackhawk    =   STEAM_0:0:12772889

Active addons on this server:
counter-strike           by Valve, version 1 (5th August 2006)
day-of-defeat            by Valve, version 1 (22nd August 2006)
default_sent_pack        by TEAM GARRY, version 1 (3rd December 2006)
derma                    by , version 0.1 (17th July 2007)
hl2_ep2                  by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
portal                   by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
tf2                      by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
ULIB                     by Team Ulysses, version 2.2999 (00/00/00)
ULX                      by Team Ulysses, version 3.4 (00/00/00)

It even says there that im a superadmin.

Offline JamminR

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  • Sertafide Ulysses Jenius
    • Team Ulysses [ULib/ULX, other fine releases]
Re: Adding yourself to users.txt
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2008, 06:53:13 PM »
Were you connected to your server/in game when you ran it?

Quote from: FAQ
"And most importantly, while the user experiencing access trouble is connected to the server, enter this command at the server console and paste the output into the thread. Please note that it will output to a file, not to console!"

Do not remove any player info. It adds to the length of the post, yes, but gives us important information.
The part that says you're superadmin is simply showing that ULX read the default users.txt correctly from /settings, not that ULX applied access properly.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2008, 06:55:20 PM by JamminR »
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming


  • Guest
Re: Adding yourself to users.txt
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2008, 04:43:47 AM »
ok, here it is. With the missing info.

ULX version: 3.40
ULib version: 2.30
Gamemode: Sandbox
Map: gm_construct
Dedicated server: true

Currently connected players:
Nick                            steamid            id lsh created

ULib.ucl.users (#=0):

ULib.ucl.groups (#=5):
         1   =   ulx hiddenecho
         2   =   ulx rcon
         3   =   ulx luarun
         4   =   ulx cexec
         5   =   ulx ent
         6   =   ulx adduser
         7   =   ulx adduserid
         8   =   ulx removeuser
         9   =   ulx userallow
         10   =   ulx userdeny
         11   =   ulx addgroup
         12   =   ulx removegroup
         13   =   ulx groupallow
         14   =   ulx groupdeny
         15   =   overcomeimmunity
         1   =   admin
         1   =   ulib_passtime
         2   =   ulib_passtimeout
         3   =   ulx spawnecho
         4   =   ulx tsay
         5   =   ulx csay
         6   =   ulx gimp
         7   =   ulx mute
         8   =   ulx ungimp
         9   =   ulx unmute
         10   =   ulx gag
         11   =   ulx ungag
         12   =   ulx chattime
         13   =   ulx welcomemessage
         14   =   ulx slap
         15   =   ulx whip
         16   =   ulx slay
         17   =   ulx sslay
         18   =   ulx ignite
         19   =   ulx unignite
         20   =   ulx playsound
         21   =   ulx freeze
         22   =   ulx unfreeze
         23   =   ulx god
         24   =   ulx ungod
         25   =   ulx noclip
         26   =   ulx hp
         27   =   ulx armor
         28   =   ulx cloak
         29   =   ulx uncloak
         30   =   ulx blind
         31   =   ulx unblind
         32   =   ulx jail
         33   =   ulx unjail
         34   =   ulx ghost
         35   =   ulx unghost
         36   =   ulx ragdoll
         37   =   ulx unragdoll
         38   =   ulx maul
         39   =   ulx strip
         40   =   ulx adminmenu
         41   =   ulx clientmenu
         42   =   ulx mapsmenu
         43   =   ulx showmotd
         44   =   ulx banmenu
         45   =   ulx exec
         46   =   ulx rslotsmode
         47   =   ulx rslots
         48   =   ulx rslotsvisible
         49   =   ulx reservedslots
         50   =   ulx bring
         51   =   ulx goto
         52   =   ulx send
         53   =   ulx teleport
         54   =   ulx tooldeny
         55   =   ulx toolallow
         56   =   ulx tooldenyuser
         57   =   ulx toolallowuser
         58   =   ulx tooldenyoverride
         59   =   ulx map
         60   =   ulx kick
         61   =   ulx ban
         62   =   ulx banid
         63   =   ulx unban
         64   =   ulx spectate
         65   =   ulx physgunplayer
         66   =   ulx vote
         67   =   ulx votemap2
         68   =   ulx votekick
         69   =   ulx voteban
         70   =   ulx veto
         1   =   operator
         1   =   ulx
         2   =   ulx help
         3   =   ulx psay
         4   =   ulx asay
         5   =   ulx thetime
         6   =   ulx menu
         7   =   ulx_valueupdate
         8   =   ulx_cvar
         9   =   ulx_getgamemodes
         10   =   ulx motd
         11   =   ulx_getbans
         12   =   ulx usermanagementhelp
         13   =   ulx who
         14   =   ulx votemap
         1   =   ulx logecho
         2   =   ulx logfile
         3   =   ulx logevents
         4   =   ulx logchat
         5   =   ulx logspawns
         6   =   ulx logspawnsecho
         7   =   ulx logdir
         8   =   ulx addgimpsay
         9   =   ulx addadvert
         10   =   ulx addcsayadvert
         11   =   ulx addforceddownload
         12   =   ulx debuginfo
         13   =   ulx voteecho
         14   =   ulx votemap2successratio
         15   =   ulx votemap2minvotes
         16   =   ulx votekicksuccessratio
         17   =   ulx votekickminvotes
         18   =   ulx votebansuccessratio
         19   =   ulx votebanminvotes
         20   =   ulx votemapenabled
         21   =   ulx votemapmintime
         22   =   ulx votemapwaittime
         23   =   ulx votemapsuccessratio
         24   =   ulx votemapminvotes
         25   =   ulx votemapvetotime
         26   =   ulx votemapmapmode
         27   =   ulx votemapaddmap
         1   =   ulx seeasay

ULib.ucl.authed (#=50):
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   szavaricsi ( F.E.A.R.  (SÅ‹ipeÂ
      uniqueid   =   546719775
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   P1E
      uniqueid   =   2343974467
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   hudders123
      uniqueid   =   2729087180
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   ali_421
      uniqueid   =   535915151
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   ali_421
      uniqueid   =   535915151
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   Cryp†
      uniqueid   =   3436014450
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   Anna Vagin
      uniqueid   =   2575389237
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   Tuoppi
      uniqueid   =   3328926079
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   TheVirus |GA|
      uniqueid   =   928252251
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   Tee
      uniqueid   =   1368331801
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   Balduran
      uniqueid   =   73256621
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   IMF
      uniqueid   =   21195315
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   the man
      uniqueid   =   1711242497
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   Î³Î»Ð¸Ã­ÅŸ [SwE]
      uniqueid   =   2889175892
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   'Xone
      uniqueid   =   119265712
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   |FP| Blank
      uniqueid   =   4114750738
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   [kATT]zEIKK
      uniqueid   =   2662626120
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   â€  Ú©lÙ‰hε® †
      uniqueid   =   3616111098
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   [kATT]zEIKK
      uniqueid   =   2662626120
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   linK#eSports.Hazbuk
      uniqueid   =   645467707
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   smoke boy swe
      uniqueid   =   503577019
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   cryos /̵͇̿/'Ì¿-Ì…-Ì…-Ì…'
      uniqueid   =   631291681
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   |GA| Spawner
      uniqueid   =   3459796444
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   AG.Blackhawk
      uniqueid   =   2700388197
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   Tappy
      uniqueid   =   38943609
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   {+MOAR+}Syprus
      uniqueid   =   1511209445
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   linK#eSports.Hazbuk
      uniqueid   =   645467707
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   linK#eSports.fAze
      uniqueid   =   3419714433
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   i_the_king
      uniqueid   =   1764818942
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   cryos /̵͇̿/'Ì¿-Ì…-Ì…-Ì…'
      uniqueid   =   631291681
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   killman42
      uniqueid   =   350148472
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   gi777, ken lee libbu dibbodouch
      uniqueid   =   1991794703
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   Anna Vagin
      uniqueid   =   2575389237
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   GCC |Tiger | MC |
      uniqueid   =   1287810864
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   [kATT]dAGGO
      uniqueid   =   3835802696
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   simplicity. [ cs 1.6 ]
      uniqueid   =   1636381403
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   awsome P1E

      uniqueid   =   3848222094
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   Tom_007
      uniqueid   =   1102331078
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   Coze
      uniqueid   =   1210026547
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   . bN | noob kill
      uniqueid   =   3227578753
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   Narg
      uniqueid   =   1717211372
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   Docithe -●ṥẩḟ●-
      uniqueid   =   300585734
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   {GT} Mad Scientist
      uniqueid   =   959109568
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   Chili f@rt
      uniqueid   =   3224737988
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   adis9755
      uniqueid   =   2655218017
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   i_the_king
      uniqueid   =   1764818942
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   Mini ZuriNi DK
      uniqueid   =   2722115759
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   linK#eSports.Hazbuk
      uniqueid   =   645467707
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   [kATT]zEIKK
      uniqueid   =   2662626120
   Player [NULL]:
      type   =   guest
         1   =   user
      id   =   
      account   =   [ HBS ] Le Scorpion [ FR ]
      uniqueid   =   377199239

Garrysmod default file (#=2):
      blackhawk    =   STEAM_0:0:12772889

Active addons on this server:
counter-strike           by Valve, version 1 (5th August 2006)
day-of-defeat            by Valve, version 1 (22nd August 2006)
default_sent_pack        by TEAM GARRY, version 1 (3rd December 2006)
derma                    by , version 0.1 (17th July 2007)
hl2_ep2                  by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
portal                   by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
tf2                      by Valve, version 1 (29th October 2007)
ULIB                     by Team Ulysses, version 2.2999 (00/00/00)
ULX                      by Team Ulysses, version 3.4 (00/00/00)

Offline JamminR

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Re: Adding yourself to users.txt
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2008, 03:42:28 PM »
Hawk, are you using SteamEmu?
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming


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Re: Adding yourself to users.txt
« Reply #10 on: August 21, 2008, 08:03:51 AM »
I dont think so. What is it?