I have recently set up a 64 slot server for Garrys mod and I am having a very fustrating problem!
I recently installed ULX on my server, added a few admins to the users.txt list (The one In data/Ulib of course!), It went fine for 3 days and the next day, the console commands stopped working.
I didn't tamper with anything within the 3 days, the chat commands still work but the console ones still don't. I tried doing a command like 'rcon ulx help' and It worked, although the word 'ulx' didn't come up in the suggestions menu (The little menu which pops down when you partially enter a command in the console.)
Also to note:
When I join, it says '[UCL] Access set' Twice in the Chat box, In the console it also says 'Unhandled message 'UlibLuaFn', I am using the Latest SVN version of both ULX and Ulib, I also recently uninstalled ULX and Ulib and I decided to Re-install it again, Now it doesn't work!
I Re-installed the server Totally, Still, No avail.
Is there something i am doing wrong here?