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URestrict [Depreciated-author no longer supports]

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*==NOTE-Only Guaranteed To Work With The Sandbox Gamemode==*
URestrict is a ULib plugin that allow advanced control of you users on your server.
     With URestrict you can:
          -Control what weapons/swept users are allowed to use based on what group they're in. Usage include spawning, picking up, and spawning with.
          -Control what tools each group is allowed to use.
          -Control how many props, vehicles, sents, ragdolls, and npcs each group can spawn
          -Control what props, vehicles, sents, ragdolls, and npcs each group can spawn
    With both loadout and tool restictions you have various options such as:
          -Admin exclusion
          -Ability to disable global restrictions for either side loadouts or tools
    Best thing about it is, everything is done ingame with a gui. No need for console commands, just click buttons and enjoy the power at your finger tips. :D

How to get it:
    * SVN: http://ulyssesmod.net/URestrict

Creating Loadouts
1: Type URestrict in the console
2: Open the loadouts tab
3: Click Add ( Middle Column )
4: Type in a name for your loadout ( Text box appears after clicking add )

Changing Group Loadouts
1: Type URestrict in the console
2: Open the loadouts tab
3: Select what group you want to modify ( Column on the far left )
4: Select what loadout you wan that group to use ( Column in the middle )
5: Click apply ( Middle Column 3rd button from the bottom )

Modifying Loadouts
1: Type URestrict in the console
2: Open the loadouts tab
3: Select what loadout you want to modify  ( Column in the middle )
4:   To Remove Items From The Loadouts
      1: Select what items you want to remove (Column on the right )
      2: Click modify ( Column on the right )
5:   To Add Items To The Loadouts
      1: Click modify ( Column on the right )
      2: Type in what you want to add ( Text box appears after clicking modify)

Tool Restrictions
1: Type URestrict in the consol
2: Open the tools tab
3: Select a tool to apply restrictions to (Left Column)
4: Click add (Center Column)
5: Select the newly added tool (Center Column)
6: Click allow/deny (Right Column)
7: Now type in the groups you would like to allow/deny use
    of the tool separating each with a space then press enter


Oh snap, sweet  :D Now to make certain STOOLs admin only I no longer have to do messy Lua edits! I'm going to give this a  try today, I'm sure it will be very nice.

jay, you have been coming out with some really great addons, gotta love APromotion! Keep up the excellent work!

good work !!!  ;)

Thats our Jay!
When Jay just get a few more scripts together I'd like to see a pack :D



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