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URestrict [Depreciated-author no longer supports]

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Wire isn't actually just one tool. Wire is a bunch of tools. Go into the game, and select a wire tool, then open your console and type gmod_tool, and it'll autocomplete the name of the current tool.

What about the error I'm getting?

can be restricted, tools added?
for example: advanced duplicator, stacker, iris (for stargate )....

but for me don't work ,I must enter the wrong name of the tools, but find the name or exact ^ ^


--- Quote ---What about the error I'm getting?
--- End quote ---
     - I have not seen nor been able to replicate this error, make sure you're on the latest revision.

--- Quote ---can be restricted, tools added?
for example: advanced duplicator, stacker, iris (for stargate )....

but for me don't work ,I must enter the wrong name of the tools, but find the name or exact ^ ^
--- End quote ---
     - I'm having a hard time interpreting this, but if you're trying to add tools to restrict, just follow these instructions:
            Select a tool, then open your console and type gmod_tool, and it'll auto complete the name of the current tool.

ok thank  jay209015 , I'll try right away, then I will try to restrict the unofficial tools that I add ^ ^


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