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URestrict [Depreciated-author no longer supports]

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--- Quote from: JamminR on November 30, 2008, 02:39:47 PM ---Not sure about ents, pretty sure it could be added if he finds time.
As for SWEPS, wouldn't the Loadout tab, which controls WEaPonS, work for Scripted WEaPonS (SWEPS) too?

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I check it out, ty

How i can change this groups?

Those groups differs from loadout groups...
I have few custom groups on server, and cannot allow them to use restricted tools...

This doesn't work with DarkRP 2.2.19. It does not allow normal players to spawn with Keys. Admins do spawn with it though so it's some restriction.

Took it off and the problem was solved.


--- Quote from: Hardy on December 05, 2008, 08:55:10 PM ---How i can change this groups?

Those groups differs from loadout groups...
I have few custom groups on server, and cannot allow them to use restricted tools...

--- End quote ---
     - Under the loadouts tab, just type the name of the group you want to add in the white box at the bottom, and click add group.

how would i go about restricting gcx and wire tools ?


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