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URestrict [Depreciated-author no longer supports]
The SVN link provided gives a 404 not found.
Really wouldn't mind being able to download this ;D
--- Quote from: JamminR on September 29, 2008, 07:33:57 PM ---The SVN link provided gives a 404 not found.
--- End quote ---
- In a SVN client it works :P
--- Quote ---Really wouldn't mind being able to download this
--- End quote ---
* Get TortoiseSVN
* Create a folder in your addons called URestrict
* Right click -> checkout
* enter: http://ulyssesmod.net/URestrict for the URL of repository.
--- Quote from: jay209015 on September 30, 2008, 07:57:43 PM --- - In a SVN client it works :P
--- End quote ---
Does in http too. :P
I just had to remove the space at the end of the copy paste.
No, i wouldn't download it this way, but I like to browse some of our code at times manually.
When I try and open the GUI in-game I'm getting this error :
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:228: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a nil value)
Also, I was trying to restrict wire to specific groups, I think the tool name is "wire" but It didn't seem to work, If anybody knows what it is, Please do tell me.
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