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URestrict [Depreciated-author no longer supports]

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Hi, I was referred here from Prop Limits to ask if URestrict could restrict SENTs?
specifically the ball and melonfriend.


hey. im getting some problems on my server, when ever i start it up i get these errors in console:

ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:9: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:9: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:9: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:9: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:9: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:9: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:9: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:9: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:9: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:9: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:25: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:25: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:25: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:43: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:43: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:61: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:77: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:77: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:77: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:77: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:77: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:99: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)
ULib/modules/client/urestrict_cl.lua:99: attempt to call method 'IsAdmin' (a nil value)

Thor, did this start after Garry's last update? ULX/ULib has seen some issues due to it if you aren't using SVN.
Jay will have to research a bit more to find out if it's ULib issue or his actual code and whether its the update Garry did or not.
Garry likes to change things, often too much.

This happening to anyone else, It's working fine here. Plus I don't think the IsAdmin() function would be affected by any of the previous updates

hmmm adding all the weapons i want to allow users / groups to use :P does this make them spawn with them as well?

last time i tried this addon i bind p with URestrict but anyways when the menu would load up it would always be blank(note only when i first join the server) and i would have to add / remove something random to view the menu with current settings is this fixed?

also iv had a problem were i would make it so vip group could use iris stool for stargate addon and on my side it would say disallow them but they could not make it so i would click it and than i get message they are now allowed... and a few min later they could not make them again, than i would repeat allowing it again. maybe that was a random bug i think ulx was messing up on me 2 so ya ^_^ but after that one i removed it. and was just going to use ulx tooldeny so on tobad ulx never made a ulx toolallow/deny group vip kinda deal comamnd ^_^

but if you keep up the good work i might have to use this addon ::) gotta say i liked the menu a bit ^_^


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