Admittedly, I can't answer for why using "Out" { <rest of file } worked.
I'll leave that to Megiddo to answer, as my users.txt on my development server doesn't have it either.
Megiddo, if our code is relying on the word Out, we need to change it, as Garry has modified his default files I believe to not need them.
Not sure on that, just my users file doesn't have it, and the example set up page at doesn't have it either.
I can answer related to some other issues you had though.
I'm not saying this to flame, I'm just being factual.
You have a problem paying attention to detail.
You don't follow instruction well at all.
From the server setup page itself, it mentions removing the slashes. Even explains why.
Not only that, I stated to check it in my first answer to you.
You missed that detail twice.
Garry has set himself in each category, but with two / before it, meaning it's commented out, and the game doesn't read it. To set yourself in either or both groups, change it to look like this:
And even my post;
Also, make sure you aren't commenting out your information by placing slashes // in your settings/users.txt file.
Garry has his commented out.
You missed how to run debuginfo three times. Once from the FAQ "Having trouble with access". once in my quote of the FAQ, and my saying again in my quote after the FAQ quote.
Once you got told three times how to run it, one of those times you ran it when no one was connected to the server, which, it also has in the same line that tells you where to run it.
while the user experiencing access trouble is connected to the server, enter this command at the server console
ulx debuginfo