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Another round of releases
Here's those surprises I promised you! You may have noticed that the main page ( looks a little different. We now have a page to assist you in making user access lines. Be sure to let us know what you think of it!
* ULib v1.1
* ULX v2.1
* UDodge v1.1
* UCause v1.0
* UBowl v1.0
As always, download new versions of ULib and ULX on the main page ( .
You can get the others in the ULib releases forum.
Here's the changelog for ULX v2.1
--- Quote from: changelog ---v2.1 - *(09/12/06)*
[FIX] Possible immunity ignore in client menu.
[FIX] ulx.ucl wasn't being used consistently (only matters if you were using a custom UCL)
[ADD] ungimp (Sorry about that!)
[ADD] ulx noclip
[ADD] Clean up menu
[ADD] ulx entfire
[ADD] ulx adduser
[FIX] ulx blind optional amount, thanks spbogie!
[FIX] reserved slots number, thanks spbogie!
[FIX] Access levels in console commands and menus should be more consistent now, thanks spbogie!
--- End quote ---
Yay, thanks Megiddo, and glad I could help.
Wow, ULX entfire, I'm going to have fun with that.
Todo for next ULX:
* New better looking menu system
* Fix ulx cfg
* More cleanups?
* SWEP Menu
* Logging?
* Separate banning system?
Todo for next ULib:
* Toolmode stuff
* Matrix functions?
* Module folder?
* Command reassignment
* Better indication that UCL didn't load correctly!
* UCL doesn't probe players on late load!!!!
Don't ask me what these are, just making a note to myself so I won't forget :P
Awesome users.ini generator script, looks a lot better with the css incorporated. Glad I could help. My host went toast and allong with them the newest version of it that has the auto download thing.
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