There are 2 servers I'm administrator on, and both of them are running ULX, their banlists are not linked in any way, but they share a similar problem, whenever you try to open the Ban Menu or try to ban someone, the server crashes. Before this occurred, both servers had only about 7 bans. On one server, we checked the Ban file, and it was 65 MB. I found this to be similar to the problem posted in
This Thread. The file size is about 64 MB, and confirms that there are only 8 bans, but on the last ban under the "name" field, there is about 50k + froward slashes. In the code below is the latest ban, with about 50000 lines of "/" removed:
"admin" "=NYS=BillyHasACookie(STEAM_0:0:19871114)"
"unban" "0"
"time" "1227993495"
"name" "/V) /-) G l//////////////////////////////// ... and so on ... ////////l l_l ยง"
"reason" ""
You can download the banlist at This is not Compressed, we just changed the extension of the file to .zip to make it so we can download it. Just change the extension of the file to a txt when you've finished downloading the file.
I don't have the last server's banlist, but the problem may be similar.
Thanks in advance for any support