Author Topic: A couple problems  (Read 2663 times)

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Offline beaster

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A couple problems
« on: January 04, 2009, 10:33:22 AM »
My name is Beaster and I own a dedicated build server for garry's mod and i use ULX for it. I have a couple questions/problems.
1. When I use the rcon command to send ulx usermanagementhelp, it doesn't do anything
2. How can I disable the ability of admins being able to pick up players in general or just other admins and super admins
3. How can I ban certain props/npcs for certain groups
4. Is there any way I can set it so admins can't kill or slay or ban, etc. Super Admins, and operators can't do those to Admins or Super Admins?

Offline JamminR

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Re: A couple problems
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2009, 06:57:31 PM »
My name is Beaster and I own a dedicated build server for garry's mod and i use ULX for it. I have a couple questions/problems.
Hi, and welcome to Ulysses forums.

1. When I use the rcon command to send ulx usermanagementhelp, it doesn't do anything
Most likely, something does happen. You just don't see it.
You shouldn't use rcon to run that command unless you can actually see the output of the server console.
ULX doesn't feed the text being shown on the server to you.
Set yourself as a superadmin in your users.txt (the link in our FAQs and our readme.txt explains how), then join your server and run the command from your game console.

2. How can I disable the ability of admins being able to pick up players in general or just other admins and super admins
There is no default way to limit ULX's player physgun pickup to only allow pickup of his same level group and above.
However, you can make it a 'superadmin only' feature by doing the following;
Code: [Select]
ulx groupdeny admin "ulx physgunplayer"
ulx groupallow superadmin "ulx physgunplayer"
Normally, admins get this right by default, and then superadmins 'inherit' the admin access. Those lines remove it from admin, but add it back to superadmin.

3. How can I ban certain props/npcs for certain groups
Hmm. See our forums releases. URestrict and UPPL both come to mind, but I don't think they do all your asking there.

4. Is there any way I can set it so admins can't kill or slay or ban, etc. Super Admins, and operators can't do those to Admins or Super Admins?
Use adduser, and make sure every user you add to a group has immunity added. If all your groups are immune; each level below can't perform the commands on each access level above. Though user.txt allows you to add access to Garry's default group system quite easily, ULX allows a bit more control.
Once you get usermanagement help on your game console, you can read how to use adduser.

Hope all that gets you on your way.
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