Author Topic: Bypassing SE Autorun Blocking  (Read 2457 times)

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Offline Reiko

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Bypassing SE Autorun Blocking
« on: December 24, 2008, 01:56:38 AM »
Hello, basically, I need ScriptEnforcer enabled on my server, but when SE is enabled ULIB fails to initialize client size because Garry forced SE to always block autorun scripts.

Let me repeat, this is not a problem with clientscripts.txt. My ScriptEnforcer is configured properly, the problem is that now that SE blocks autorun the autorun/ulib_init.lua script is forbidden to run on the client.

Now! I've tried to get around this annoyance using this server-side script;
Code: [Select]
function PSpawn(pl)
pl:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK, "INIT ULIB!")

hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "playerInitialSpawn", PSpawn );
The print was just so I knew it was working.

Now, when I have SE enabled without this script there are no errors BUT no commands work. Eg. "ulx help" doesn't return help, nor does it return any errors.

However, when I enable this script with SE on and try "ulx help" again, it displays help normally, but the client doesn't auto complete it. However, when trying to use "ulx clientmenu" with this script enabled, the console returns:
[ULIB] Error, received invalid lua

I was wondering if the ULX devs or just anyone who may know could give me some help on sucessfully initializing ULib without autorun scripts.


So there! D=<

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Re: Bypassing SE Autorun Blocking
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2008, 01:18:07 PM »
I don't have time to research this indepth, and probably don't have the experience needed to truly help even if I did.
However, would using a concommand "lua_run" after including the lua file perhaps help?
I've not used script enforcer to know if the server telling the client to run a file would work even if in the list.

Off the top of my head. Things hit me there once in a while, usually hard heavy objects.
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Offline Reiko

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Re: Bypassing SE Autorun Blocking
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2008, 09:43:41 AM »
Unfortunately it doesn't. I've been down that route. The console simply outputs; "You cannot do this while ScriptEnforcer is enabled."

So there! D=<