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Try placing the two commented lines outside of the table.
In otherwords, take the

--- Code: ---local blah = {
-- blah.
-- blah,
["#"] = "blah",

--- End code ---
and make it look like

--- Code: ----- blah.
-- blah,
local blah = {
["#"] = "blah",

--- End code ---

I'm not even sure the version from the original release post is working anymore.
There's been much discussion and two or three re-writes of the code, all I think within this thread, by different authors
The thread is a mess, but if you find the latest re-write, and convert to the latest way of storing the group tables, you may have better luck.
Look over the last 2-3 pages.

I'm not sure which version of AutoPromote I have, but I do know mine works fine.

Should I zip it and attach it?

I'm having the weirdest problem. I updated ULX, ULib and UTime to SVN, and now my AutoPromote is buggy; it seems to be ignoring the "excludes" section and treats every joining player as if this is their first session, working them back up the ranks as User, Player, Regular, etc at each tick. However, all ranks that aren't attained by hours played like Trusted and Admin aren't re-earned. But this isn't the weird problem.

The problem is that I tried simply removing AutoPromote temporarily so that my admins could at least retain their rank while I try to fix this. For some reason though, not having AutoPromote on my server causes players to instantly crash when they join. So now I have the choice of either having an empty server, or one with no admins.  :(

Did you have you server shutdown when you removed the addon?
If using a downloadurl, did you update your cache to match the new cache on the server?
Errors in server console when starting your server? Errors in server console when players join?
Errors in player/client console when they join?

Too many things can go wrong...removing an addon won't cause problems unless something else relies on it (ULib), or peices of it still exist in different places (cache, etc)


--- Quote from: JamminR on September 20, 2010, 04:06:38 PM ---Did you have you server shutdown when you removed the addon?
If using a downloadurl, did you update your cache to match the new cache on the server?
Errors in server console when starting your server? Errors in server console when players join?
Errors in player/client console when they join?

Too many things can go wrong...removing an addon won't cause problems unless something else relies on it (ULib), or peices of it still exist in different places (cache, etc)

--- End quote ---

Yes, the server was down each time I tried removing the addon.
I tried both updating the fastDL's cache and disabling it completely, both yielded the crash on join.
No errors when starting the server nor when players try to join, aside from the crash.

My Sandbox server is working fine, so I copy/pasted the UTime and AutoPromote addons from there and into my DarkRP server, where the problem is. It's still happening though, so I'm pretty mystified.

EDIT: However, when an admin joins the server, they use up one of the admin-only reserved slots. It's like the server recognizes them as an admin when they first join, but then AutoPromote demotes them back down.


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