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--- Quote from: Stickly Man! on September 20, 2010, 09:34:54 PM ---Could be, haven't heard any complaints about it yet though. How new is this DarkRP version? If it's been a while then it might not be as likely, since I know we have quite a few users here using DarkRP. Let us know how your reinstall goes!

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Yep, the problem lies in the latest version of DarkRP. This 'FAdmin' system that was integrated has its own set of access requirements; anyone that doesn't have their access set in FAdmin gets reset to User every time they rejoin, completely ignoring ULX ranks.

Why do I continue hosting this trash. I do appreciate the help, JamminR and Stickly Man!

EDIT: It gets better. The highest level of access in FAdmin is root_user. Of course, being root_user means I no longer have access to ULX admin commands so to accomplish everything I need to, I'll have to juggle my rank back and forth.

Though I am of the normally strong opinion that gamemodes shouldn't require; yet another control system such as ULX and it's plethora of mods (UPPL/URestrict/UNolimited) to control access in them, it bothers me to see that a gamemode has totally abandoned the standard GLua groups of superadmin and admin.
Though ULX allows custom additions like many other mods, we attempt to keep it simple for the three standards, user, admin, superadmin, and use a custom check written in for inheritance.

Back on topic for this thread, perhaps, if you decide to continue to use DarkRP *cringe*, the current authors (of many previous it seems) have a plugin system for which to write a system such as autopromote.

I think what's happening is Autopromote is still looking for the old UTeam files instead of using the new updated way of ULX.


--- Quote from: someone920 on December 12, 2010, 08:18:48 AM ---I think what's happening is Autopromote is still looking for the old UTeam files instead of using the new updated way of ULX.

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This. I tried it on my server, which is fully up to date, and it doesn't recognise the ranks made by XGUI. Fairly annoying.

AutoPromote does not in any way relate to UTeam.  It is not dependent upon UTeam.  You have to use the actual group names, not the ones you assign through UTeam.


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