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I looked over the code, and the only thing I can think of is to look in your server console and see you have have any errors. Sometimes when trying to format string to have quotes you run into problems when users have special characters in their names. So in the console you should find an error right after the player you're trying to have promoted dies, something like invalid group or invalid user.

I just tried with me.

I have more than 24 hours of playing, I removed me from the users.txt file, but it added me to " member " group, I was supposed to be added in "silvermember".  :-\ And no error at all.

I also tried to add me directly in " goldmember ". When I kill myself after that, nothing happens, and the scoreboard, and me, my hp and armor, stay at " member ". The color is green for member, and even if I add me into higher groups, I'll stay in green.

Edit : It seems it's totally broken now. I have deleted my users.txt file to clean up the system, I have readded myself as superadmin, but when a player with more than 6 hours of playing comes and suicides, nothing happens.  :-\

Edit 2 : Well, it's kinda strange, it worked for one guy, only one, I don't know at all what's happening there, I don't know if it's my server or the code, but it's really, really strange.  ;D

Edit 3 : Finally, it worked for 3 guys at the moment, I'm really confused, I don't know what's the problem. :-\

Edit 4 : You were right, special symbols cause the plugin to bug with players who have them. A player had a " © ", I told him to remove it, it worked. But I wonder why people are not added in the right group. I mean, they have sufficient time to be in " gold member " and they are only in " member ", things like that, I don't know why.

Edit 5 : Yeah, I confirm, it does the same thing it was doing before, but in different way, now it doesn't stop at " respected " but it stops at " member ", even if a guy has more than 26 hours he will stay in the " member " group, I don't know what to do. :-\ It seems that times which are needed to be promoted are important. Since I changed them, players can be promoted to " members ", before they could to " respected " only. I don't know what's happening, but if you could look into the code and search for conflicts between times we set and promotions... It could be great. :)

Edit 6 : I still have the problem. :-\ Plugin is blocked at " member " and doesn't want to promote more.  :'(

Sorry for bumping, but maybe I didn't have answers because my post date from the 22. :-\

So, I bump.  ;D

Right now it still doesn't work.  :-\

EDIT : It's really strange. I have changed required times again, and now, people can go to " Gold Member ", but they are blocked to " Gold Member ". So, I'll try to change the required times to be a " Platinum Member " and a " Hero Member ".  ;D

The author of this script hasn't been active in 6 months. What would be the interest level of remaking this script? Any more features you'd like to see?


--- Quote from: Megiddo on July 27, 2009, 01:18:34 PM ---The author of this script hasn't been active in 6 months. What would be the interest level of remaking this script? Any more features you'd like to see?

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: jay209015 on July 16, 2009, 10:23:48 PM ---Test this and let me know.

--- End quote ---

jay209015 rewrote this script.


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