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Ok, I'm gonna do some testing and fix whatever is necessary and release a 1.1. MajorPain's looks like a complete rewrite with none of my code, but it has the same name...
Ah, ok. I'd not compared.
Make sure you're aware of the new command structure being used in SVN now.
Adduser hasn't changed too much, but it no longer allows immunity like the old (0/1) method.
I don't know if you did that automatically in any way in v1. See the SVN area of the forums. There's a sticky for how immunity is handled now.
I'm not sure if this was actually broken or not from the posts(I didn't test Major_pains), but I optimised some of the code and added a chat announcement when people get promoted. I made this I wanted a version I know works and something that was exactly what i want.
As before in previous versions, pretty simple configuration - but its a bit different in this version.
Default settings:
--- Quote ---Pretty self explanatory. Hours are when the promotion will take place. Group is the usergroup it will promote to. Name is what will be printed in chat when it says PLAYER has been promoted to name.
promotes = {
{ hours = 1, group = "player", name = "Player" },
{ hours = 2, group = "regular", name = "Regular" },
{ hours = 5, group = "respected", name = "Respected" },
{ hours = 10, group = "highrespected", name = "Highly Respected" },
{ hours = 25, group = "silverplayer", name = "Silver Player" },
{ hours = 50, group = "goldplayer", name = "Gold Player" }
Excludes work the same as previous versions, but are layed out differently.
excludes = { "donator", "moderator", "admin", "superadmin" }
Change msgOn to false if you want chat announcements disabled.
Change the below to change the color of the chat announcements.(Default is yellow)
Change effOn to false if you want effects/sound disabled.
settings = {
{ msgOn = true, msgcol = Color(255,225,0), effOn = true }
--- End quote ---
EDIT: Also, first post for me. xD
EDIT#2: Removed the links, download 3.1 in HOLO's post.
Edited my last post with newer version, this is kinda a bump post. Anyway new stuff includes:
*Almost entirely recoded, simplified/optimised - can add as many groups as you like now, instead of Major_pains 10 alotted ones
*Chat announcement "Player has been promoted to 'Group name'." - Can disable if you don't like it, or change color of it.
*Effects and sound, when a player is promoted confetti appears and a sound is played. - Can disable if you don't like it.
*Easier configuration
*Works with SVN version of ULX
*Added awesomeness
If anyone can think of anything that would be good to include to AutoPromote I will gladly add it for you(granted its not too much hassle), also I will tell HOLOGRAPHICpizza that i posted here as he frequents a community I am in.
I am using HoloGraphic Pizza's AutoPromote but having a problem.
--- Code: ---local promoteGroups = {
-- Groups must be listed in decending order.
-- ["hours"] = "group",
["100"] = "platinum",
["50"] = "gold",
["20"] = "silver",
["5"] = "bronze",
["2"] = "member"
local excludeGroups = {
--- End code ---
It will promote up until bronze, but it fails to promote to silver (yes, past 20h). If I manually promote to silver it will demote to bronze. Yay.
Anyone know why? I'm certain my syntax is correct.
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